Dekelee Part 2, Page 4

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What is a Blue Conjunction? 

   Let’s start with a “Blue Moon”.  That’s a fairly common term.  A Blue Moon is when there are two (2) full moons in a single 30 day count.  On paper when we are making a Lunar Calendar the moon month can be shown to have either 29 or 30 days in it.  That’s because all a calendar is a series of boxes in a row on a piece of paper.  There are no half boxes.  That’s on paper.  However in reality the complete Lunar month averages 29.53 days in length.  Remember, it averages 29.53 days. 

   For complicated reasons it changes its length a little, back and forth constantly.  These changes can be accurately predicted.  So therefore in our 30 boxes we can actually show two full moons in a single 30 day period.  Nature places these events on paper for us automatically.  We don’t have anything to do with it.

   That’s what a “Blue Moon” is, two full moons in a single 30 day period.  This can happen with full moons, first quarter moons, last quarter moons, or new moons.  It doesn’t happen all of the time, but when it does its very exact.

   O.K., so much for “Blue Moons”.  Now I am going to talk about  “Blue Conjunctions”.  Simply put, a blue conjunction is when there are two Lunar Conjunctions in a single 30 day count, and a Lunar Conjunction is the time of the month when the Sun, Moon, and Earth line up with each other.  At this time there is no visible Moon phase to see.  It’s a Dark Moon.  It takes about 20 hours after the conjunction occurs before we can see the tiniest moon phase appearing.  In the Bible we call that the first day of the month. It can be seen within the first hour after sundown on the correct day.  After that hour you can’t see it anymore because the moon has set below the horizon.  The next evening it will be about twice as high in the sky.

   There are tables and calculations available for all of this information.  Lunar Conjunction tables.  All of my Moon Calendar work uses Lunar Conjunctions tables to identify the correct moment for the first “Seeable”  sliver to be seen.

   Review:  A Blue Conjunction is when there are two Lunar Conjunctions that fit inside of a single 30 day period.

If we have a lot of details (events) in a story that occur on a certain day, or month that must be considered and these events must be connected also with a Lunar Blue Conjunction, then that day is extremely rare in time. In fact, considering everything in the story it may have happen only once in history. 

That time , my friend was the case at the time of the  Jordan River crossing.



For more information, please contact:
Lalo Codona 
 Box 7, Cedarville, CA. 96104



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