Dekelee Part 2, Page 2

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Cornelius’ Time vs. the Seventieth Week
I’m going to take some time here to explain about the Cornelius’ Grace Age time Period.  First, let me say that this Dekelee Series is nothing more than another Timeline.  True, it’s a very involved Timeline, but a Timeline nonetheless.

So here goes.

The 70
th Week of Daniel was given to Daniel’s People (Dan.9)  Not to the regular Gentile world.   In the middle of that week, Jesus, the Messiah, was cut off. 
Then in the second half of that week (a 3 ½ years Period), Daniel’s people received the Holy Spirit. That includes, to the Disciples, and everyone with them. 
The Book of Acts tells us that the Gentiles, themselves, during that Period only received the Holy Ghost if the Disciples laid hands on them (Acts 8:14-17).
The 70 Weeks are counted out in seven years units. Things only changed in seven year blocks of time.  So the 70th Week past.  Then before the 71st Week ended, something else had to happen.      

That “something else” was Cornelius (Acts 10).

Cornelius, a Roman Centurion, plus all of his house, received the Holy Spirit direct from God with out the Disciples involvement. This started a new time frame.  I call it, the “Cornelius Holy Spirit” time frame.
This is the Time Frame that you received the Holy Spirit in.  It’s still going on right now.  But before the Tribulation gets rolling, that Period will end, and the “Second Half” of the regular 70th Week of Daniel will kick back in. 
This is the time where 144,000 will be sealed, and all of the things of the Tribulation will come into being, including the “First Resurrection” etc.

     It took around 10 years after the Crucifixion before the Cornelius Holy Spirit Period came into effect.  This is what I mean when I say in these slide about Christ’s ministry time, “the Cornelius Holy Spirit Period”.

  “Daniel’s People” will get their full time with the Spirit.  It was just delayed until after the Gentile Church Grace Age Period comes to the full.




More will be filled in on this subject when it happens.
The main thing to see here is:
The Christian will go through the Tribulation!
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An explanation about Bible Timelines

Some things are dependable and appear as something constant.  Example:  Operating rules that govern the way a Jubilee works.  Reset cycles and how they work, also the 7 year cycle.  The Bible story in general and how it connects with the Jubilee counting system.  Various application that can be proven with two or three witnesses.  These and more prove themselves to be dependable.

     However, various parts of the story particularly during the King’s Period laid out exactly as the story tells it do not work.  Usually there are not enough sequential years to place all of the King’s without an overlap of some kind.  I have pointed this out in other places several times.

     Among the several reasons for this are:  Dual regency.  (The first and last years of two Kings covering the same year).

     Also, in the eyes of the person counting, when does the year start?  Spring or Fall?

     These and other problems are always there like “Double Timing” , but now I’m going to throw in a few more.

     Direct speed counting, as in Matt. 1:1  It only took 3 men to go from Abraham to Christ.

     Intentional omissions like later in that chapter where 3 Kings and a Queen are dropped out of the count.

     Intentional dual counting like 1 kings 6:1 (480 years) and “double timing” .  Especially as seen it the Book of Ruth.

     Now here’s another one that no one seems to use.  Each King or time period can be summed up by the Bible writers as being Godly or Ungodly.  God does not count those two the same.  The Fifth Commandment promises a different number of year for those who honor, or those who dishonor their parents.  There are a lot of “if’s” in this subject.

     Another big problem comes in showing these applications in just a small space.  Then as you do this all of a sudden a small story grows into a gigantic volume.

     Give yourself time to learn these reasons.  Remember the whole story is only one week long.  Six thousand for man’s work, and one thousand for the Rest with God.  Easy to say – hard to prove and apply.






For more information, please contact:
Lalo Codona 
 Box 7, Cedarville, CA. 96104



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