(This Time Line is intended to follow: PART 1 Jubilee Series with Rest Years)
Prepared by Lalo Codona



ABOUT PART 2:  This Unit displays the entire Bible Timeline broken up into 5 separate Charts marked (1) through (5).

Within these 5 Charts are 14 Sub Units used to describe the application of the  Jubilee to the story.  Each of the Charts cover more than one (1) Sub-Unit, and each Sub Unit is explained.

Additionally, from time to time, there are enlargements of the Timeline that help focus in closer on a particular area, or concept. Generally, these enlargements are nothing more than a blown up portion of a particular area of the 5 Charts.  However, they do offer much more clarity, and focus.

For easier reference throughout the Series these Charts with their Sub Units, etc. are displayed by a numbered Figure system.  That system is counted in the following manner.

Example:  Figure 2.1

The first number (before the dot) identifies the PART of the Jubilee Series.  The number after the dot shows the particular drawing being presented.  Hence Figure 2.1 is read as PART 2, Figure 1.  Figure 3.5 would be found in PART 3, Figure 5, and so forth.           

Figure 2.1 presents Chart #2 of the 5 Time Line Charts.

Figures 2.2 and 2.3 below show two focused views of Chart #2 that helps us see the 40 years in the Wilderness, and the beginning of Israel's Jubilee story.

You will notice that most of the 5 Charts overlap each other for broader single page study.

The entire Bible is examined in this paper as though seen through the eyes of the Jubilee System.  The work I offer here is only a brief account of what can actually be said about this giant subject.  So I’ll just say, it’s God’s Calendar.          

Because the Jubilee System was first given to Israel when they came out of the land of Egypt at their time of Exodus, we must start there to track the Jubilee story that God gave to them in Leviticus 25.  Therefore, I will start in Sub-Unit #5, of Chart Number 2 (The Wilderness Period).  From there I'll work forward through the Charts to the end (Sub-Unit # 14).  After that I will back track to Sub-Unit #1 and bring the story up again from Genesis Chapter 1 through Sub-Unit #4 (Egyptian Period).   

This Timeline uses the King James Version (KJV), and in Sub-Unit #7, during the Kings Period it uses the counts given for the Kings of Judah.              

Again, the starting location for this work begins with Chart #2, and the reader must have an understanding of the previous Unit in this Series called: PART #1 “The Jubilee System with Rest Years”.

Chart #2

 (Includes Figures 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4)   Pages 2-10

This chart displays Sub Units 5, and 6.  It also includes the first part of Sub Unit 7.  The reason for this layout is to show the time involved in 1 Kings 6:1.

This Timeline actually includes two different Jubilee counting systems. The first System started in the 3rd year in the Wilderness (marked “E”) when they were supposed to go “Into the land”.  I call this one the “Exodus Jubilee System”.  That was God’s intended entry time for Israel (Green), but because of the report of the 12 spies, they did not go in at that time.  However, you will see later that this Exodus Jubilee System started counting then anyway.  To avoid confusion, only the first seven Rest Years of the Exodus Jubilee system are shown. 

The actual main Jubilee count didn’t start for Israel until they crossed the Jordan River at the close of the 40 years.  This one is shown as the “Jordan Jubilee System” (Blue).  For purposes of reference this Timeline is laid out using the Jordan Jubilee System, and is shown by consecutive boxes containing 49 years each.  The Seventh Year row of this system is colored blue all the way across the Timeline to Sub Unit # 10 (the Ministry Period).

Notice the difference in the location of the Seventh Year rows at the start of each system, (green or blue) also notice the location of the Jubilee Years themselves.  They're not the same.

From the time Israel first crossed the Jordan River (41st year) through the Prophet Samuel's time, Israel was ruled by "Judges".  This is known as the Judges Period (Sub Unit #6). 

Next the Kings Period (Sub Unit #7) covers the time of the Kings all the way up to the Captivity Period.   

King Saul's, David's, and Solomon’s reigns are shown at the end of this Chart because 1st Kings 6:1 includes the time of the Exodus from Egypt over to the 4th year of King Solomon's reign.  I need to show all of that time period to explain how the two Jubilee Systems (Exodus and Jordan) are running off their individual counts simultaneously.

These two counting systems are both shown in Chart #2 as including 434 years of time.  They are offset one from the other by 38 years.  On this chart they are each called the 2nd 434 unit.  I’ll show the 1st 434 unit later when we work our way around to Sub Unit  #4  (The Egyptian Bondage Period).

This chart will connect the Bible stories through these periods and establish the fact that both of these systems were in operation with their own accountabilities, each in their own particular times.

Also shown underneath the Timeline is a long arrow that will eventually lead up to the time of Ezekiel the prophet.  The line reads Ezekiel 1 – In the Thirtieth Year.  When we get there this line will establish the validity of our count.  I’ll explain this later in Sub-Unit #8.

WILDERNESS PERIOD    (Enlargement from Chart #2)

Stressing the 40 years Showing both EXODUS,  
In the Wilderness, and and JORDAN JUBILEES  
The Jordan Crossing   in perspective.

                    SUB UNIT #5                                                                SUB UNIT # 6

                       Figure 2.2                                                                           Figure 2.3


Above, the left hand Figure (2.2) focuses in on the 40 years in the wilderness with its placement preceding  the Jordan Jubilee System (framed in blue). The right hand Figure (2.3) displays the first Jubilee of the Exodus Jubilee System (framed in green) 38 years before the Jordan crossing.  The first year of the Jordan Jubilee System is shown in the upper left hand corner of that 49 year period. Also shown in that first year is the ten day delay before they crossed the Jordan River.  That marks the  start  of Israel's time in, or on the land! 

The 40 Year “WILDERNESS PERIOD” sets in front of the Jordan Jubilee Period.  It is not part of that Jubilee count!  Notice, the time for those 40 years does not start in the same row as the Jordan Jubilee does.  It’s only 40 years long, and is not divisible by 7.  It contains the story of the events that occurred between the Exodus from Egypt, and the Jordan crossing.  There is a special reason for that period being 40 years long.  I will explain that in detail when I get back to Sub Unit #4.  The Bible tells us a lot about the first two years of that period. Those two years are colored “yellow”, and are numbered #1, and #2.

The first year tells of Israel receiving the Laws and Covenant that God gave them, and the second year tells about them setting up and dedicating all that God had directed them to make.  It also tells of their journey toward the Promise Land, and of the curse that caused them to stay out in the wilderness for 40 years.

If they had obeyed God at that time, and hadn’t receive the curse, then the third year in the wilderness would have been their first year on the land, and the Jubilee would have started there.  That year is marked in green and has a big letter “E” in it.  The “E” stands for the intended Exodus Jubilee system.  If their Jubilee system had started in that year the count on the land would have been different.  It didn’t.  Instead it started 38 years later where you see the “Blue” colored Jordan Jubilee system shown.

Throughout the story you will notice these two Jubilee Systems running side by side, but yet offset from one another by the above mentioned 38 years.  Each has its own story.  Notice what happens in those two systems as we go along.  Both systems carry accountability.  In Chart #2 we see the first accountability for both of those systems carried out during the reigns of King Saul, and King David.

The Figure below also shows the last year of the 40 wilderness years where we again see a lot of detail laid out for us in the Bible.  Now let’s focus in on the last half of that 40th year. This will allow us to lock in the events that had to take place before Israel could cross over the Jordan River and begin their “first” Jubilee on the land.  Look this Figure over carefully.

WILDERNESS PERIOD (40th Year, 2nd Half)

Figure 2.4

ABOUT Figure 2.4:   This Figure is an additional enlargement of the latter part of the 40th wilderness year shown on Chart #2.  The text for this story is found in Numbers 20 -27,  Deuteronomy 1-3, and elsewhere.

All Jubilees have a start with all of the rules that go with them.  All Jubilees also have an end with all of the rules that go with that part of the story.  Therefore the Bible story for the 40th year, (last year in the Wilderness) before the Jordan Jubilee started must show us vividly the application of those rules, if in fact they exist, as they were played out.

Since the Jubilee is supposed to end on 49-7-10, and the actual count of the next Jubilee doesn’t start until the first month of the following year, we should plainly see this displayed.

The crucial time to look for would be the tenth day of the seventh month, because that’s the day when the former 50 moon years ended. Then, and only then would God bring to a close the time for the former inhabiting people to officially be disenfranchised, and the granting of inheritance of the land to the new people that were about to receive the next time grant.  It’s a “Law”.  Not only that, it was a covenant-promise to Abraham.

Remember, there are six months between these two events.  This is perhaps the best place in the whole Bible to see this spelled out by the day, and month.

I am going to take the time here to walk us through that year so that you can see just how that all happened.

Find your place on Figure 2.4 that shows the 5th month, and Aaron’s death. This figure shows very clearly just how accurate the Bible story is given to us when we take the time to carefully apply the Jubilee rules step by step.

·        The 40TH YEAR:  (Number 20 - 25)

The story actually starts in the first month of the 40th year when Miriam dies.  Then it shows the time where Moses and Aaron lost their chance to cross over into the promise land because Moses “hit “ the rock to bring forth the water.  Next, Edom refused Israel passage through their land, causing Israel to have to circle around them to Mt. Hor.  This brings us up to the 5th month where Aaron dies at Mt. Hor, (see Figure) and the Children of Israel mourned for him 30 days (Numbers 33:38,39).

That brings us up to the sixth month of the 40th year.  There are only 40 days left before 7-10, “Jubilee day”. 

The story carefully works its way through a series of events that will cover that period.   

Numbers 21 tells of Israel’s battle with the Canaanites, wherein Israel destroyed them down to the man because Canaan hit them with a sneak attack and took prisoners. 

Next, neither God nor Edom would allow Israel passage through Edomite territory.  It says they had a very hard time circling around the land of Edom. The quote was, “The soul of the people was much discouraged because of the way”.

In this process they murmured again, and God sent serpents that bit them. The times were very hard.  Here’s were Moses was told to make a serpent of brass and put it up on a pole, and when the people were bitten, if they would look up to the serpent of brass, they would live. 

The reason times were hard was because the Jubilee had not ended for the other people yet, namely the Amorites.  Remember Genesis 15?  Israel was still locked out of the land, and they could not expect any relief until they reached the 10th day of the 7th month.  Then things would be different!

Who were these Amorite people?  To learn this you have to go back in Genesis during Abraham’s life and read where he rescued Lot and his family from captivity.  Upon returning with Lot, the King of Sodom wanted to reward Abraham for what he, and his 3 friends, and their army of servants did.  Abraham refused everything, but he said give your reward to my 3 friends.  They earned it.   The King of Sodom did, and Abraham agreed.  Guess what?  His friends were Amorites.  That’s how they got their turn before Abraham’s seed.  He gave it to them.

Finally, they crossed the Brook Zered, that’s found on the southern tip of the Dead Sea.  This marked 38 years since the 12 spies curse hit them (Deut.2:14).  Notice on a map how far they still are from the East Bank, across from Jericho, and what the story says they had to go through to get there.

They continued the circling action, and eventually came around on the east side of Moab where they encountered the river Arnon.  This was the Amorite boarder. They sent out messengers to Sihon King of Hesbon asking for passage through his land. 

Now this Sihon was a King of the Amorite people.  So was Og, King of Bashan.  This is now the people that God had sworn to Abraham in Genesis 15 about.  He said, “When the time of the Amorites had come to the full”, then Israel would get their turn.

Time came to the full on Jubilee day for the Amorites, and that was on 7-10.  No one can do anything before that day, but after that day it’s a different story.  God removes the franchise from whomever, and re-gives it to the next people in line.  That was Israel!

Over a period of time the Amorites had taken most of the East Bank from Moab and Ammon.  The southern tip of their holdings extended down to the River Arnon. The map looked like this: Moabites – Amorites – Ammonites.

Israel arrived at the Arnon River’s boarder right across from the Amorites.  Next, they sent out a request to the Amorite King for permission to pass through Amorite territory. The answer came back from the Amorite King – Keep Out, or else! 

Time was up, the Amorites time had come “to the full”.  Slam!  Israel flooded across the River Arnon and “Pow” the six months between the end of one Jubilee, and the start of the next one was underway.  Israel took the whole East Bank in less than 6 months, lock, stock, and barrel. The Amorites time was history!   This was followed by the Balaam story, where the King of Moab sought to curse Israel, but God would not allow this to happen because it was Israel’s “Blessed” time. They had paid their time “out of the land”.  Israel's cursed generation was all dead, and it says, Balaam beheld Israel abiding in their tents around the Tabernacle just as they were told to do.  Now it was Israel’s day!  Now they had the blessing.

The six months was theirs, and so was the next set of Jubilee’s that were to follow.  The time for the Abrahamic promise had finally arrived.

After the 40th year was over Israel crossed the Jordan, and the Jordan Jubilee time count was underway.  This then was the six months between the end of the one time, and the start of the next, just like the Jubilee rules set forth.

It didn’t happen 38 years before like it should have, at the time of the 12 spies report.  They refused to “go up”.  So they were cursed for 40 years out there in the wilderness.  They were given a judgment of  “a year for a day” because the spies were “on the Land” for forty days.

By the way, it says that it was also the Amorites that were up on the hill in front of Israel at that earlier time also.  Had they gone in at that time, when they were supposed to, then their Jubilee would have started back there at that time.

You have to respond to what the Lord leads, in any time period, or you wait.

The Chart above shows these two beginnings that are 38+ years apart. 

Now if they were already out there in the second year of those 40 cursed year when the spy story happened, when they first received the curse for 40 years,  how then did they fulfill the 40 years from that time forward?  Do you know?

Simple, when you lay this out, you will discover that there was forty years “Sun time” from the Red Sea to the Jordan River, but their was forty “Moon years” from the curse at the 12 spies time to the Jordan River crossing.  Amazing!  They paid their bill.

Why don’t we know this?  Answer: No homework!  This paper is laid out so you can see the story through the eyes of the Jubilee.

Moses was taken out, and Joshua replaced him.  The Book of Joshua started out with God talking to Joshua on the 7th day of the 1st month of the 41st year in the wilderness.  God told him, “you will cross over the River in three days”.  They crossed on the 10th (Joshua 4:19).

That, takes us to Sub Unit  #6, The Judges Period.    

You can find this time place both in the Wilderness Graphs, and Chart #2.

Refer now back to CHART  # 2

ABOUT THE CHART: This chart covers the time period of Israel’s Exodus from Egypt to just past the start of the building of Solomon’s Temple.  It shows their first 10 Jubilees on the land, according to the Bible story.

This chart is used for three (3) Sub Units.

They are:

                     Sub-Unit  5      The Wilderness Period.

                     Sub-Unit  6      The Judges Period.

                     Sub-Unit  7      The Kings Period (first part).

Besides the 10 Jubilees shown, there are other counting units, that will be explained later.  It would be good for the serious ones to familiarize themselves with all of the Charts.  Every line and mark means something.  These Charts will also be used to locate various stories in future subject areas later on.  

Now let’s take a look on the timeline for the Judges period.  Notice the arrow running across the top of this period that says 1 Kings 6:1 That scripture tells us, “There were 480 years from the coming out of Egypt to the 4th year of Solomon reign”, when he started to build the Temple.

Now for the Story.

In the earlier paper called “The Jubilee System with Rest Years”, I’ve already pointed out that Jesus told Peter about God’s patience, where forgiveness should last 490 times.  Applied in years, that covers 490 years.  While that number equals 70x7, it also equals 10 Jubilees (10x49).  All times given by God to men start with a 490 year period.

Now it’s interesting that it was not 490 years shown in 1 Kings 6:1, it was only 480 long.  That’s a strange number in this story.

Now let’s analyze this unit count and see how it breaks down. 

According to the Rest Year rules that you have learned about in my paper called “The Jubilee System with Rest Years”, it takes 434 years before they owe 70 Rest Year.  Remember, I called this “Judged” time.  We need to look at these 480 years and see if we can notice what happened back there in the Bible story when the 434 years came to the full.

  First we have to subtract from the beginning side of the 480 years, 40 years for the wilderness period, because they were not on the land yet.  The Jubilee system with its Rest Years doesn’t start until they get on the land (Lev. 25:2).  So we have to subtract that first 40 year period, leaving us 440 years to concern ourselves with.  Now with that subtracted we start our count looking for what happened when they reached the 434 point.  Let’s go to the other end and back track down from the remaining 440 years, which it says was also the 4th year of King Solomon’s reign.  If we take that 4 years off, that leave 436 years left to the end of King David.  We still need to take off two more years back into King David’s reign to get to a 434.  Now what do we find?  If you open up your Bible to 2 Samuel 24, and also 1 Chronicles 21 you will see that right down toward the end of his reign he was moved to number the people.  Read both accounts.  In God’s Law it says that when they numbered the people they had to put in a ½ shekel of silver for each one counted, for the sanctuary.  This is for counting soldiers.  If they did this, they would be spared from the plague.  They didn’t do that.  Instead, King David was faced with one of three choices by God.  They were three years, three months, or three days.  Each carried its own penalty.  David chose 3 days.  A plague hit Israel and David lost 70,000 people before he could stop it with a vow.  What does numbering the people have to do with the Rest Years for the land.  Nothing, except in 2 Samuel 24 it says in summary after the plague, that God was entreated for the land. The land!   

What David did was to buy time with God through his vow, a vow where he would build the house of God and set Israel straight, etc. Now we have found a judgment on Israel at the time area of a 434.

The next time period started immediately, and of course, since that was shy of the Ninth Jubilee by 7 years, the next time count for a 490 (if they got it) would then be 7 years before it should have been when counting in Rest Year style.

This is a good place to show the match-up of the two Jubilee systems as they go through the times of King Saul, and King David.

The first 434 on the Jordan Jubilee Timeline ended with King David having 2 more years to go before the end of his reign.  King David reigned a total of 40 years.

Why then did King Saul and his sons die, and Israel loose to the Philistines 38 years before that time?

Take a look back there in the Wilderness Period at the 38 year separation between the Exodus Jubilee system, and the Jordan Jubilee system. 

Guess what?  King Saul, and company died on Mt. Gilboa at the Exodus Jubilee systems 434, 38 years before King David’s 434 year judgment time happened.  That means that both systems of accountability were working.

You’ll see more of this kind of thing happening later on down the Timeline.


Figure 2.5

ABOUT THE CHART  (Pages 10-14)

This chart displays Sub Units #7 (Kings period), and #8 (Captivity period).  It also includes the first part of sub unit #9 (Seventy weeks of Daniel).

The Kings Period, as given in the Bible story, covers the time when Israel was ruled by Kings instead of Judges whether collectively as all 12 Tribes together, or as they became after King Solomon’s time when Children of Israel became a divided Kingdom. After that time they appeared as two separate nations with two separate governments.  10 Tribes formed the Northern Kingdom, and 3 Tribes formed the Southern Kingdom.   

So King Solomon built and dedicated the Temple in a 7 ½  year period.  Since the 480th year was also the beginning year for the Temple, then the 7 ½ years of construction makes a total of 486 ½ years.  They got the Temple with 3 ½ years left from a 490 year total period.  That’s exactly what happened in the New Testament when Jesus died and became the prophesied new Temple.  It happened in the middle of Daniel’s Seventieth Week.  That’s 486 ½ years. 

Do you see a pattern?  It’s called, “Building the House of God”.

Now for the next fact about this Chart.  Notice the long row of numbers (1 through 8) just above the Jubilee boxes.  Notice that the flat rectangles just beneath those numbers (colored blue) are all shifted to the left by 7 years each, compared with the regular main Jubilee boxes underneath them.  That’s because a 434 year period only needs 8 Jubilees, plus 42 years of the ninth Jubilee to complete its count (70 Rest Years).  That means that each time this happens the next Jubilee Rest Year count gets shifted one column to the left from the normal position that it should be in. That further means that two such 434 periods shift the normal Jubilee Rest Year count even more. That’s 14 years earlier than it should be.  That too, shows up by the time we get over to the 70 Weeks of Daniel, and eventually the Ministry Period.  

Under the 13th Jubilee you will notice a box that says 76 Yrs. / Matt. 1.  There are 76 years in the line of the Kings of Judah that are omitted in the genealogy of Christ listed in Matthew Chapter 1.  These 76 years include four different Kings reigns (3 Kings, plus Queen Athaliah).  They really lived and reigned, and are listed elsewhere, but they are omitted in Matthew.  This makes a difference in many things.  They lived, but for some reason God doesn’t count them.  What kind of condition is this?  I will show the results of this when I get back around to Sub Unit #2, the Pre-Flood Period.

Also, on this Chart under the Jubilee line you will see an arrow that actually runs from the start of the Jordan Jubilee system over to the Captivity Period, and is marked as “Ezekiel 1”, and also “In the 30th year”.  What is this?

Above the Captivity area is an enlarged box that shows this time better.  This is an excellent proof that bears witness with our time count.  Ezekiel starts out his book with this statement.  Many have explained it in every possible way, but no one that I know of has connected it with the Jubilee count.

The reigns of Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin, and Zedekiah are easy to lay out.  The story also connects King Nebuchadenezzar’s reign with these Kings of Judah.  Now notice how Ezekiel places his stated 30th year in the flow of these Kings.

(2 Kings Chapters 23,24,25. 2 Chronicles Chapter 36, and Ezekiel Chapter 1)

If this count is actually showing its placement on the Jordan Jubilee run, then that year can only appear in the second row of the Jordan Jubilee cycle.  That’s the only place you can put the 30th year.  It does!  That’s a great help and proof that we are on the right track. Lots of great helps, and proofs, right?  Praise the Lord, He never fails.

Like I’ve said before, it’s the Bible faith believer that really has the ammunition, and this subject really has the “muscle”.  We just need to learn to use what we’ve got!

Chart #3 above, shows what happened back there in the second 490 year block of  time after coming out of Egypt, which also lasted only 434 years.

Now I’m going to count that Chart’s 434 years that is shown.  Solomon’s reign lasted for a total of 40 years altogether.  At the close of Solomon’s reign the divided kingdom began with 10 Tribes seceding from their union with the House of David, which included Judah, Benjamin, and Levi.                                                                                                                  

Those three Tribes became known as the “Jews”.  Of course those three Tribes retained the Temple, the Levites, and the Priests.  Benjamin stayed with them because Jerusalem is located in the inheritance of Benjamin, and he had nowhere else to go.  The Levites were the Priests, and Judah possessed the Kingly line.  They all had nowhere else to go.  Everybody else took off.

The count that I will use for this second period will be through the Kings of Judah because it’s more straight forward, and is easier to count.  The 10 Tribes gave up all of that.  They hired their own priests, changed the calendar and Feast dates, etc.  They even had their own Temple and Alter.

So, after Solomon died, the Bible shows 393 ½ years of additional time for the Kings of Judah before Jerusalem fell to the Babylonians, under Nebuchadnezzar.

Let’s add up the total years for this period.  The total includes the last two years of David, forty years for Solomon, and 393 ½ years for all of the Kings down through King Zedekiah’s fall to Nebuchadnezzar. That number brings us to the full in the 435th year.  In a seventy year Rest Year count you get 434 full years, then in the 435th year judgment comes.  That is precisely what happened.  They didn’t keep the Rest Years or God’s Laws.  Jeremiah 25 explains about the 70 year count.  At that point it says they would be ejected off the land because of violating the Rest Year law.  This then was the second 434 for Israel on the land, back to back!  By the way, Jeremiah 25 says that this applies to all the surrounding Kingdoms as well.  Did you know that?  Some people think the USA is the Israel of God, what about us?

So, we have worked our way through the first two 490 year periods of  “on the land” time for Israel.  Both of which lasted only 434 years apiece.

This is a good place to call your attention to the following fact!  If you get a 490 Year Period, it takes four hundred ninety years to run it off, but if you get a 434 Year Period, and have to pay 70 years back for the “Rest Year” time, that makes 504 years total time for that time to run off.  We should remember to look for this fact on the Timeline.  All of this makes a big difference in when things finally happen.  You have to learn the tools you have in your bag.


The Jubilee system for Israel’s time on the land is in operation.  We have covered the first two 490 year periods that only lasted 434 years apiece.  They were walking in “Judged” time.  David spared them once, but now at the close of the second 434 they had to go “off the land” and pay their time bill.  They owed for two seventy year “pay back” periods.  That’s 140 years.

We have also recognized a connection between the two Temples as taking exactly the same number of years to produce.  Each one leaving 3 ½ years of a

490 year period remaining.

The first was Solomon’s Temple, and the second one was when Jesus replaced Herod’s Temple by becoming the sacrifice.  This was accomplished through the Law, when He became our “Kinsman-Redeemer”. 

Remember, He told His disciples that He would destroy and rebuild the Temple in just 3 days?

There’s more to say about the 480 years of 1st Kings 6:1 and what else all that means in connection with building God's house. I’ll cover that in detail later.  Also I'll explain later why the chart shows only 49 Rest Years before the Ten Tribes went into captivity instead of the normal block of 70 Rest Years.

(see the 16th Jubilee area)


This unit deals with the captivity of Judah under Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, and the early part of the Persian period.

Now in the story 11 years before the year of the fall of Jerusalem, Jehoiachin was King of Judah. He only served for 3 months and 10 days, when he heeded Jeremiah’s message and opened the gates, went out with his mother, the princes and elders, and surrendered to the Babylonians.  According to the prophet Ezekiel this officially started the captivity count.  Nebuchadnezzar placed Zedekiah on the throne in Jerusalem, and returned to Babylon.  The rest of the acts of Zedekiah lasted for eleven more years before Nebuchadnezzar returned to destroy both Jerusalem, and the Temple.  Ezekiel’s book actually counts year by year the events of the captivity.  However, the Temples destruction time of 70 years doesn’t start until the end of Zedekiah’s reign eleven years after the start of the captivity.  I’ve already shown this year to be year 435 in the previous count of the Kings.  This then places us in the time of the Gentile world powers.  The year for the fall of Jerusalem   was 586 B.C.  Of course Daniel and his brethren had already been taken into captivity in Nebuchadnezzar’s earlier attack.  See 2 Chronicles 36.

Now, the Rest Year time bill, at this time, was not 70, but 2x70.  They owed God for both times, both for the Judges period, and the Kings period.  This captivity count then will run for the whole 140 years.  However, it starts from Jehoiachin’s time.  This means that from the end of Zedekiah, there would still be another 130 years of time before the order for release would be given by Artaxerxes of Persia, and all of that story is found in the books of Ezra, Nehemiah, and Daniel.

This time then is the accounting for the total Rest Years that Israel had built up ever since the Jordan crossing.  This period stops the clock for 130 years after the fall of Jerusalem, because they were “off the land”.  It is a direct consequence connected with the subject that we are following.  Namely, 490’s cut down to 434’s, with their 70 Rest Years each.  You may ask, I wonder if these people knew any of this, because we sure don’t?   Daniel says in his 9th chapter that he knew.  It also says they knew in 2 Chronicles 36:21.

When you're off the land, your time count stops until you get back on the land.  In the meantime someone else is responsible for it.  That’s how it works. 

Now we are at Artaxerxes, King of Persia’s time, and it was 457 B.C.  All of the time that has elapsed since the Jordan crossing has been accounted for through the Rest Year breakdown, and that started with Israel replacing the Armorites that took Jacobs place when he took his family down into Egypt to be with Joseph during the famine.  The time before that has already been explained from Genesis chapter 15 with Abraham. Interesting, isn’t it?  Most people have never even heard of the Jubilees with Rest Years subject.

There are many things that fit into this story, but we must still press forward in our tracing, and tracking of the Rest Years subject.

Back to Artaxerxes.  Daniel the prophet says in the first half of chapter 9 that he just found out the meaning of Jeremiah’s 70 year prophesy.  He prayed a prayer of repentance for Himself, the King, and all of the Elders and Leaders, along with all of their forefathers back in time.  Remember, at that time he was in captivity in Babylon.  He had been promoted very high in Babylon among the captives, as well as among the Babylonians themselves.  Now when he had finished his prayer of repentance, in front of him there stood and Angel with words that go like this.  Blessed art thou, Daniel.  The Lord has heard your prayer and supplication.  Now know this, from the time that the order comes forth to restore, and rebuild the wall and the streets of Jerusalem, Seventy Weeks have been determined upon your people.  Your people!  Look at your Timeline.  This comes exactly on the final year of their “off the land” payback time.  Count it and see.  Isn’t that interesting.  Time bills were all paid, and it was time for the next thing to happen.  So, according to the Angel they, at that time, could expect another 490 year block of time.  How did it work out?  Now we are going to take a real straight look at a 490 that includes another 434.  Wow!  This time you can’t miss it.


Figure 2.6


ABOUT THE CHART  (Pages 15 -16)

This chart displays Sub Units # 9, and # 10.  Unit #9 shows the 70 weeks of Daniel’s prophesy that commences at the close of the Captivity Period and runs over to the time of Jesus Ministry, (Sub Unit #10).  This period shows an entire 490 years of time given to Israel.  It is also broken down by the angel, for us, in Daniel Chapter 9.  He said it contained 3 sub divisions.  The angel said there would be 7 weeks, 62 weeks, and 1 week.  That makes 70 weeks altogether.  Find them in the Chart. 

Additionally, there are some areas shown in an expanded form for closer study later on.

Please notice on the Chart, these 70 weeks are laid out week by week just above the standard Jordan Jubilee Seven Year cycle.  Those 70 weeks do not occupy the same position as the Jordan Jubilee count.  Their 7th Years are offset from the Jordan time, and so are their Jubilees.  Sound familiar?

The 70 Weeks of Daniel is a “BIBLE DEKALEE”.  * This is a coined word used in The Bible Jubilee Series by Lalo Codona. This time unit equals 490 years (Ten Jubilees), or 70 X7 as given in Matthew 18:22.

There are 14 such periods presented in this Bible Jubilee Series from Genesis through Revelations.  (See Timeline)

Sub Unit #9  The Seventy Weeks of Daniel.

This given 70 Week unit of time is broken down by the Angel like this.  There shall be 7 weeks, then there shall be 62 weeks, and then there shall be 1 week.  This totals 70 weeks altogether.   Each week is a week of years, so each week turns out to be 7 years long.

The first seven weeks make 49 years.  That time was given for the rebuilding, and the restarting for Daniel’s people.  Then the 62 week.  Not much is said in the message about this unit.  Guess what? 62 times 7 = 434.  Recognize that number?  Guess what comes after that!  That makes 69 weeks so far (7 weeks plus 62 weeks). 

Now, that brings us to the 70th week.  It looks like it should be some kind of bill paying time again, doesn’t it.  We’ve now got a real witness to this Jubilee count story!  This whole unit, after Israel had paid off all of its time bills, comes in the full form of a 490 year period (70 Weeks).  But, in the breakdown of that 490 count,  inside of that 490, we find a stated 434 year period (62 weeks) staring us right in the face.  That’s “Judged” time.

Please notice the timing shown on this Chart.  Look at the enlarged area above the start of the 70 Weeks.  The orange box at the start of that period shows the year of Artaxerxes order (King of Persia), which of course came in the last year of the time “off the Land” (140 years from Jehoiachin’s surrender)  That year turns out to be a 7th year in the Exodus Jubilee system.  That means the First Year of the 70 Week's  was a 1st Year on the Exodus Jubilee count.  Now notice the whole 70 Weeks period is tracking on the Exodus Jubilee timing, not the Jordan Jubilee timing.  We’ll see that better during the 3 ½ years of Jesus Ministry.

I think we are just about to find out why Jesus' ministry occurred when it did. 


Figure 2.7

ABOUT THE CHART  (Pages 17-27)

This chart shows Sub Units 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14.  It covers the time periods from Jesus' Ministry through the Church Age and the Tribulation Period.  It also shows the prophesied Millennial Kingdom Period, and the Final Judgment from the end of the Book of Revelations.  The Church Age has already lasted 40 Jubilees (colored yellow).  Our location today is at the end of the yellow colored squares (Sub Unit #11).  Next the  line shows Sub Unit #12, the Tribulation Period.

The Timeline continues from there prophetically to show the Millennial Kingdom Age, followed by the “White Throne” final judgment time with its eventual “New Heaven, and New Earth” conclusion.  All of these Sub Units can be counted in Jubilee blocks of time right to the end. 


Move now on the Timeline to the area of the 69th, and 70th Weeks.  Above the Timeline there is an enlargement right above a red colored cross.  Go there.  This enlargement blows up the 70th week for us to see it easier.  Now, verse 26 of Daniel 9, says: “And after three score and two weeks”.  The location on the Timeline is at the close of the 69th week.  Remember, the count was 7 weeks, and then 62 weeks.  That makes 69 weeks.  So you see the 62nd stated week, and the 69th straight run week, are one and the same, and verse 26 says after 62 weeks.  That puts us at the start of the 70th week.  Further it takes us to the middle of that week with the statement “in the middle of the week”.  Don’t forget, the week is seven years long.  So we were already half way through that 70th week at the crucifixion.  That ½ Week, or 3½ years, was in fact, the Ministry of Jesus.  At the close of that ½ Week (3 ½ years) is when it tells us that the Messiah will be cut off.  That’s referring to the crucifixion.  Factually, Jesus was hanging on the cross at exactly that time.

          I don’t want to leave this time location without calling your attention to what happened at the real time close of the 70th Week? In other words 3 1/2 years after the crucifixion year.  As I pointed out earlier, the Angel said to Daniel (chapter 9) your people have 70 weeks determined upon them.  
          I have tracked the story above through 69 1/2 weeks.  What happened in the story then, after the next 3 1/2 years went by? 
          Remember each week in this count is worth 7 years!  Therefore the next unit that follows the 70 weeks includes everything that happen in the next 7 years.  
          (You might think of those next 7 weeks as the 71st week).
          So what happened in the Bible story during that time unit? 
          Cornelius (Acts 10).  Daniel's people's time was over, and the Holy Spirit began working directly with the Gentiles.  Remember they received the Holy Spirit even before they had been baptized with water.  Until Acts 10 it took the Disciples to lay hands on them before they received the Spirit (Acts 8:14-17), but after that time the Spirit dealt directly with all peoples.  The Hebrew Peoples time was up (70 weeks) and they no longer held a first place position.  From that point on, it was the time of the Gentiles.  Today we call that time the "Church Age".

When the Gentiles time comes to the full, then the prophesied second half of the 70th week finishes out.  That is called the Tribulation Period.

Looking again, there was a real 3 1/2 year period that followed the crucifixion year.  That brought to a close Daniel's people's time.  This was marked by Cornelius (Acts 10).  Then the Gentiles time began to run its course, after which the prophesied second half of the 70th week for Daniel's people takes place.

At that time you can expect to see the revival and sealing of the 12 Tribes of the children of Israel. (Revelations chapter 7). 

How do I know that? The secrets and the proof for this lie in understanding the Jubilee system.

In God's Jubilee count, things don't just flat out happen, but like the Solar and Lunar year counts, they overlap each other.  Remember when Jubilee day arrives on 49-7-10, there's still another 1/2 year before the next Jubilee time unit starts.  It works like that, only on the next scale size up.

           The Cornelius story is much bigger than most people think! 
When we finish this Timeline Unit, and get into the next two parts of the Series called, “Jubilee Series with Resets”’ and “Seeable Slivers”, we will be able to prove concretely the actual year and time of the Crucifixion, along with the time of Jesus birth.
          This whole Series is intended for you, eventually, to be able to lay out the complete story all by yourselves.  Wouldn’t that be nice?  Different parts of the story will become clearer to you as you become more acquainted with the work.
          Every day people believe less and less about the Bible. Nevertheless it's still true and can be proven. The Christians have a lot of "home work" to do, but they don't know how to use the homework tools.  They better get started soon.
          For the scoffers let me bring out a point.  All of this careful tracking of time that deals with Daniel’s prophesy of the 70 Weeks (Chapter 9) fits perfectly into history.  The Book of Daniel foretells the events and future governmental power structures that were to come for over 500 years. The prophesy was given around the mid 500’s B.C.E.  Those prophesied events all came to pass exactly.
          Can you tell what's going to happen exactly for the next 500 years?

Daniel received this Prophesy during the time of the Babylonian Kingdom period. There was no way for Daniel, back there, to possibly know about the Persian, Greek or Roman periods that lead to the timing and ministry of Jesus.  Not to speak of the Crucifixion with its establishing of the Gospel work on this Earth that deals with the Gentile Church period that has lasted for around 2000 years so far, on whatever scale you want to use. 

Daniel’s interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar's vision of the image, in Chapter 2, shows the rise of only four (4) Gentile World Powers.  Other chapters in Daniel also deal with focus on these 4 kingdoms over the next 500 + years.  With that, one cannot help but realize those four Gentile Worldly Kingdoms  would be followed by the setting up of Jesus Kingdom here on Earth. That happened in the Church Age in the hearts of the believers, but it is yet to come to pass in a real physical sense on this Earth.  For those events to happen it will require the "second coming" event.

Jesus' physical return and kingdom hasn’t happened yet.  Therefore one has to concede we are still in the time of the Roman World Power.  That's easy to recognize.  We have many signs to prove it.

Let me focus in for a minute on the Church Period.

The power structure of the Church became known back in the 300’s C.E.  From that time the “Catholic Church” descends down to our time, along with her children.  Those children, of course, not only include the Roman Church, but also the Protestant Churches that sprang out of that movement.  Whether illegitimate, or not.

Remember Christ’s Kingdom has not been set up on this Earth yet.  He hasn’t returned yet!   Daniel says that the Roman Kingdom will not disappear until the return of the Lord and the establishing of His Kingdom.  Jesus, back in Daniel, is called “the little Stone cut out of the mountain without hands”.  It says the “little stone” will strike the image of those four Gentile Worldly Kingdoms and will break that image into pieces.  Then the wind will come and blow even the dust of it away.  It says that the New Kingdom that will do this (Jesus' Kingdom), will last forever.

This all means you and I are still living in Roman Kingdom times.  That not only includes everything from back there down to this point, but it also includes the good old “U.S.A”.

Think about it.  We have here, as a Law of the land, the Roman Church made Holidays, as well as the customs that tell us when to work, and when not to work.  We still live under the Roman Calendar with its days, dates, weeks, Sun Calendar counting system (no moon count), etc.  We even have Roman numerals engraved on all of our Government Buildings throughout this country.  You name it that’s Roman, or Greek, and we have it.  It’s in our Government, in our Schools, in Science, in our Space Program.  We have it in everything.  Worst of all we have it in our Church’s.  We no longer know who we are, or who we were.  Everybody’s belief and backgrounds are all blended together.  We can’t even tell if God’s Laws should be used or abandoned today.  About the only word that fits it good is “confusion”.

That, my friends is mixing “Iron with Clay”, and that in fact is the final description in Daniel about this time period.

It’s one thing to claim the Blood of Christ for your sins, and accept Him as your  Saviour, but it’s quite another thing to walk in your own ways with all of these customs today, calling them God’s ways.  They’re not God's ways!

There is a scripture that says, “So they feared God, and served idols”.  I think that says it!

God promised our forefathers repeatedly in the Scriptures He would raise up His covenanted people in the end time before His return, and bring them back.

He said those people would be sealed to withstand the evil in their day.  He also said  in Revelations chapter 12:17, and 14:12 that for a doctrine they would have “the Faith of Jesus, and would keep the Commandments of God”. This subject, the Jubilee, and God’s Calendar are all part of those Commandments, and they do apply to us today.

There is still room for anybody, and everybody to get involved.  It says this is not just for Israel in any period of time, but it always has included the “stranger who is within your gates”.  Rise up Israel it’s time to make your stand. 

It is written, “Three times in a year shall all your males appear before me”, saith the Lord.

You cannot find God’s Jubilee truths from the Scripture, being taught out there anywhere today.  No, not even in the Churches.  They don’t believe in it.

Repentance without definition, is still the word of the day.  Read 1st John 3:4.

Back to the Jubilee Time placement 

Notice the 30th Jubilee on the Jordan system is shown to be 14  years ( two 7 year cycles ) ahead of the 70th week with its events.  Remember, back there, where each 434 year period pulled the count back by 7 years each?  That’s why the gap of 14 years between the 30th Jubilee, and the 70th week.

Now let’s take a look at how that 3½ year Ministry Period intersects with the Exodus, and Jordan Jubilee systems.  Remember how they were both working back there?

Find that place on the Enlargement.

The end of the 3½ years was at Passover time when the crucifixion occurred. The Ministry was 3½ years long.  That means the Ministry started in the Fall, at the time for the Feast of Tabernacles (during the 7th month of God’s Calendar).  We are also told  He was 30 years old at the start of the Ministry.  Of course, that further tells us the birth occurred at the Feast of Tabernacles timing also.

The Feast of Tabernacles requires all Israelites to go up to Jerusalem, and then on the 15th day of the 7th month they were told to dwell in temporary shelters for 7 days (Booths).  On the 8th day they were told to re-enter the house.  This happened yearly in Jerusalem.  The House that they were told to re-enter was the Temple, the House of God, not their own homes.  Most of them where several days walking time from home.

Now, I'll apply this to His birth. 

His parents went up for the “Taxing” and the Feast.  It says there was no room at the Inn.  He was born in a manger (temporary shelter).  When He was Eight days old they took Him into the Temple to be circumcised according to the Law.  That happened on the 8th day when they were to come in from the temporary shelter into the House of God.  Isn’t that something?  God planned the timing for the birth of His Son with all of its events exactly according to His Calendar and Law. Jesus was a Feast baby!   Remember, He kept everything in the Law, and was perfect.  He had to be outside first, and then He had to come in on the eighth day.  Did you know that?  It’s a beautiful story.  

Now, back to the placement of this 3½  year Ministry.   

As I commenced to show earlier, the 434 years were up (62 Weeks).  Of course that 62nd Week was also the 69th week on the straight count.  Payday time was commencing.  That was called the “70th Week”. I have placed this 3 ½ year period on the Enlargement.  Notice it began in the first year of the Exodus Jubilee System.  That was God’s correct intended beginning back there.  Three years later He died on the seventh year of the Jordan Jubilee System.  That's the Timeline man walks on.

The crucifixion happened at Passover, but the Ministry was 3 ½ years long, not 3 years.  The end of this time is fixed at Passover.  Let’s carry this 3 ½ years backwards from that Passover date and see what we get.  That’s Tabernacles.

Now remember those 6 months that happen between 7-10 and the first month of the next Jubilee time period.  I explained that back in the Wilderness Period.  The time period back there didn’t start at the first year of Israel’s time on the land when they crossed over the Jordan River.  It started 6 months before that time, remember. They took the whole East Bank during those 6 months. Well, so does this.  

It picked up those 6 months from the end of the previous period and, in this case shifts from the one Timeline (Exodus) to the next Timeline (Jordan) and finishes the work that Jesus carried out.

Jesus started on God’s intended Timeline, and died at the hands of man in man’s shifted Timeline.  Interesting, isn't it?

Therefore one might expect the reverse to happen when the second half of this 70th weeks plays out (Sub Unit #12 The Tribulation Period).  Like, start off on man’s Time- line (the Beast, etc.), and 3 ½ years later, switch back to God’s intended line, with the Kingdom, the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, Jesus, and being taken into the House of God.  That’s including Satan going into the bottomless pit.

  That’s quite a finale!   Tell me, how could you ever connect the pieces of this story without God’s Jubilee Timeline?  It’s His Calendar. 

The judgment that is just about to fall (7 years long) is half used up.  That first half was the ministry of Jesus.  Remember, it say’s “no flesh would be saved except the time be shortened”.  The other half of those seven years is yet to come. It appears in Sub Unit #12 called The Tribulation and that’s separated by the whole length of Sub Unit #11, called The Church Age.  You can see on the Timeline where we are right now at the end of the shown Church Age.  The Tribulation is right out there in front of us.  The hard part of that time, the Tribulation, is in fact, the other three and a half years of the Seventieth Week.  We, the believers have that to go through.  Jesus did the first half of those 7 years for us.  Otherwise, no one would make it.  We, in turn, have the second half to do.

Want to know what that ½ week will be like?  Read the Gospel’s.  What He went through, we’ll go through.  What happened to Jesus and His disciples will happen to us. It’s a mirror image.  Back there before the arrest, were the Disciple ready, or were they asleep?  That tells you if we’ll be ready.  Read the Gospels and in so doing you’ll be reading the diary of the Tribulation period.

Notice I’m over in Unit #12.  That’s because the 70th week tells both stories.  It’s separated in the middle by the Church Age, and that already has lasted 40 Jubilees.  The penalty for owing 70 Rest Years is expulsion.  You’ll soon see that penalty exacted. Only this time it adds up to four times that amount (4 X 490). That brings death and destruction.  You’ll see how the total of those four time periods work when we get back around to the Pre-Flood Period.  Jesus said the time will be worse than any time since the beginning of the world (Matt. 24: 21,22).


Let’s return to our place at the beginning of Daniels 70th week.  We were at the end of the fourth 434 as we entered the 70th week. 


(Note: Those four 434 time units are marked for you on the Timeline, and they run from the Egyptian Bondage all the way over to the Cross).


Judgment upon the entire world was eminent, in fact it happened.  Mankind was destroyed, and hopelessly lost.  That all took place about 2000 years ago. 


You may ask, if this is all true, then what are we still all doing here?  Ah hah! Thank God for His Law, without which we would all be lost.  You see, there’s a little item in there called “kinsman-redeemer”, and in that Law it states that someone, if you can find someone, can step in and pay the price for the condemned.  That someone was Jesus. The Father found Him.  He died, and therefore we are all alive.  He is the “kinsman-redeemer”, and we all are the cause of His condemnation.


Seeing it this way makes sense now, doesn’t it?  Now do you see why you’re lost without Him?  The wages of sin is death!  By the Book!


Why don’t people talk about the Jubilee? Why is the Church using this thing called the “Roman Calendar”?  It’s of the flesh, it’s not God’s Calendar.  How can you ever see this without God’s Calendar?


There are plenty of things to say about Jesus’ Ministry period, but by dying for us, in our place as “kinsman-redeemer”, He made it very clear that He dealt with our judgment bill for us. In so doing He addressed the “Seventy Weeks” problem that had come to the full, and at the same time provided a chance for all of us today.     


There’s more to say, but let me put all of this on hold for now, and move on ahead.  Right now we still have a few thousand years to cover in the story.


Sub Unit #11  The Church Age.


The Church Age is even a bigger subject.  So far we have already done 40 Jubilees, and it’s still going on.  I don’t think anyone has come forward with a complete breakdown of the past 2000 years using the Bible Jubilee as I have done with the story, up to this point. 

The purpose of this paper is to teach how the Jubilee system works.  To recite every thing that has taken place during the Church Age would make this Unit as long as the whole article.  However, I will show you a couple of things about this time Period so you can see if you think the Jubilee subject applies in the Church/Grace Age. 

Why did the “Grace Period” come to us in full 490 year units, instead of the usual 434’s?  It’s because Jesus paid for it!   Not because we did any better.  It has already run off 4 sets of 490’s!  Notice, on the Timeline, I have shown that fact. [ It started with the cross in 30 A.D.  According to the Bible, Forty Jubilees are 1960 years.  Those forty Jubilees, using God’s Jubilee count were over in 1990.]  Don’t you think there should be signs that support that?  When we get down to my paper called “Seeable Slivers” you’ll be able to prove this yourself.  

Today it is common place to believe that God’s Law has past away, and no longer applies during this period.

My response:  Is God’s Calendar still running through this time period?  You bet.  Can everything be explained during the Church age in the same way?  You bet!  You’d be amazed.  Jesus said, “Till Heaven and Earth pass, one jot, or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all things be fulfilled “  (Matt. 5:18).  The calendar is part of God’s law.  Look out the window.  Do you still see the heavens, and the earth?  He said, If you can still see them, it still stands!  There’s your answer.

No matter what people believe, God still keeps His own law.  He’s bound by His law.  It's a covenant between God and us, otherwise there’s no plan of salvation.  Remember, God is in the covenant too.

That means, on the 7th year He has to release the Hebrew servants, etc.  I just showed above in Italics where 40 Jubilees was up in 1990.  That is, where 30 C.E. is used as the crucifixion year, and God's Jubilee system is used to measure the Church Age.  

Now remember back in the Wilderness Period where I showed you about the 6 months time between 49-7-10 and the start of the next Jubilee (Jordan crossing)?  Apply that to the end of this 1990 statement.  That means, in the fall of 1989 we should see where God Himself responds to His own Law.  Namely, release the Hebrew servants.

Now let me show you who the Hebrew servants were in this story, and what God did.

Every Christian that accepts the Lord Jesus has become a member of God’s family.  We were made brothers and sisters of the Lord.  We were made Servants of the Lord.  If He is a Hebrew, then so are we. We then have become the Hebrew servants that had to be released if we were in bondage.  Even though everyone reading this paper went through this, there was not one comment made in the news about it, anywhere!  I’ll talk you though it.

The time now to focus on would be during the Summer, and Fall of 1989.  It continues out to the Spring of 1990.  This time shows the six (6) month period I’m addressing.  Remember, God’s time count runs from Spring to Spring, not January to January.  Therefore 6 months before the Spring of 1990 would take us back to the previous Fall (October 1989).   Everybody with me?

However, back in the Summer of 1989 the Chinese tried to be released from the bondage of Communism.  They were machine gunned down.

Three months later, in the Fall, the oppressed peoples of Eastern Europe were released overnight from that same Communist bondage without any advanced notice what-so-ever. Thirty days before that time, no one had any idea what was about to happen.

Now the truth!  The Hebrew servants in this story, under Jesus, are the Christian Nations.  China is not a Christian nation.  They tried for release, but it didn’t work.  They weren’t eligible.  They were gunned down.  Later, in the Fall (October) in God’s Jubilee end, all of the Christian nations of Eastern Europe were released overnight.  God released them.  He had to, it’s His Law.  You see the Communist Power had held people in bondage for 70 years one way or another.  The bill was paid.  Did you know that?  God keeps His own Law.

Now you tell me, can God’s Jubilee Laws be recognized in the Grace period or not. I say yes, but only if you look for it.  The fact is, they were released no matter whether anyone understood or not.   The event happened exactly on time.

After release, the next thing that comes into play in the Jubilee Law is, “go back to your family, and inheritance”.  Those countries were mainly Catholic countries.  They immediately returned to the Catholic Church and reaffirmed their former affiliation.

Imagine how many other stories could be seen if people looked at things through God’s eyes.  To name a few, there were Wars, Natural disasters, Plagues, Famine, Sickness, and so forth.  If the timing of these events were correctly plotted out using Jubilee and Rest Year rules you’d be amazed at the whole story.  Each country has it own Timeline with its beginnings and ends.  Its blessings and its judgments.

By our own doctrines, we make ourselves the halt, maimed, lame, and the blind.

This 40 Jubilee period of time for the Church Age can be likened unto the forty years in the wilderness. They were just on their way to the “Promised Land”, but there were a few problems.  In like fashion, we are just on the way to the Kingdom, and we are having a few problems.  If you want to know about the “Church/Grace” Age, read the Wilderness story?

So, is God’s Calendar still running through this time period like it did back there in the wilderness?  You bet.  Can everything be explained during the Church age in the same way?  You bet!  Jesus said, “Till heaven and earth pass, one, or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all things be fulfilled “  (Matt. 5:18).  The calendar is part of the God’s law.

However a lot of this is difficult to recognize because of the calendar systems being used. 

Example: The widely used Roman Catholic calendar system uses the year 34 AD for the crucifixion year.  The Roman Calendar begins its alleged count at Jesus birth, and not His death.  That system is the one used by most of the Christian Church groups today, and is just now completing its 40 Jubilees.  Of course, everyone should notice that the Roman Calendar system uses a straight 50 year period, because that system counts time in Solar Years only, the Lunar Years are not considered in their 50 year run.   They don’t use Moon Time in their count.

Worse yet, did you know that the Catholic Church has used a 25 year Jubilee ever since the 1500's?  Wherever they got it, and however they use it, you can’t find that in the Bible.  It’s common place for people to borrow words out of the Bible, and then change the entire meaning. 

Finally to make things even more obscure consider if the following Jubilee rules were applied to the whole Grace/Church Age.


Considering all of the above one might ask, if 4 sets of 490’s are up and have come to the full, why hasn’t Jesus returned yet?


When a 490 year block of time is broken down to a 434 year period, it requires 70 years off the land to set things straight again (Lev.26).  This causes the new total to equal 504 real run years before the total debt has been satisfied (434 + 70 = 504).  That total is 14 years longer than the original 490 year period for each such time count.  


Since there were 4 of these time units in the Church Age to this point its going to be a while yet before the Son of God has fully paid that bill in our place.  


Think about it, Jesus said “Agree with thine adversary quickly whiles thou art in the way with him; lest at any time the adversary deliver thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer, and thou be cast into prison. Verily I say unto thee, thou shalt by no means come out hence, till thou hast paid the utmost farthing” (Matt. 5:25,26).  


He was delivered to the judge on our behalf.  It’s our time bill he is paying for.  WE OWE IT!  We haven’t done anything about this subject for over two thousand years now!!!   * WE OWE THIS BILL *  


  This and many other subjects will be addressed soon.  You will be able to monitor them by clicking on the “SPECIAL SUBJECTS” hyperlink on my WEB page.  Also the “AUTHORS RESPONSE” hyperlink will carry addition material from time to time.

Sub Unit # 12  The Tribulation Period

Actually, I have already covered what needs to be said about this time period.  It will contain the appearance of the “Beast”. It will contain mass martyrdom.  It will contain Jesus’ return, and the First Resurrection leading to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.  After this, the Jubilee subject will be common place because the Father promised Jesus that His Will, and Ways will rule from then on.

Jubilee wise, the following should not be a mystery to the Jubilee student. We are very familiar to the use of many different kinds of time being used in the same story.

We are told that time period will consist of the second half of the 70th week of Daniel and like the first 69 ½ Weeks of that 70 Week period it was promised to Daniel’s people.  That ½ week is measured to last 3½ years / 42 months / or, times, time, and the dividing of time (Revelations 11,12 &13). These three different measurements all fit into this time period.  Each is different, even though they all function during the same unit of time.   You can see what 3 ½  years add up to. 365 ¼ days X 3.5.  The two witnesses prophesy for 1260 days.

That total is not the same as 42 Months.  Forty two months amounts to 29 ½ days per month X 42 months.  Now, when you get to the end of Part 3 (Jubilee with Resets) you will know this number of months requires at least one “Reset”, maybe two depending on where you start.  Of course, Resets are not counted with the months but still take up space in the long run.  This sum is given as the time where the Gentiles tread under foot the holy city.  (Again Resets are covered in Part 3)

Additionally there is mentioned “time, times, and the dividing of time”.  This time belongs to the woman that brought forth the “man child”.  The woman is hidden and nourished for this length of time.

Remember, these things occur during the second ½ of the 70th Week.  They all have different applications and time lengths.  They all address different groups of people.  Each one's time plays out, ending in different places.  This is witnessed by the fact the two witnesses finish their covered time of 1260 days and then are killed by the “beast” who obviously is still in power for another 3 ½ days.

It is not my purpose to expound on these events here in this Jubilee paper, but to draw  your attention to the application of the different counting systems that are all at work at the same time.

This period is actually a set of years, that are all seventh years, compiled together from various different Jubilee cycles, and also the results of happenings in these various cycles, that hit one after another in a sequence that allows Satan to operate with an open hand.  Meanwhile, the Father, keeping His own Law, must wait.

That’s the reason Satan picks this time, and that’s why the believers must go through this time period themselves.  Each one must stand.

The Sealed Ones of the Tribes will be empowered to do many things during those days.  The list is long.  To you I say, learn what God’s Ways include and cover!  Have oil in your lamp.

Sub Unit #13   The Millenium

Next, focus on the Timeline is area #13, colored pink.  This 1000 year period consists of two more 490’s.  Remember, there are 50 years inside of 49 years in a Bible Jubilee. (review that in the Jubilee System with Rest Years series).  So, it’s not hard to see that there are 500 years inside of a 490 years period.  Two of these make 1000 years on one count, but actually only use up 980 on the other count.  This time, for the first time, we actually get the full 490 year units straight out.

The reason being:  #1 Jesus is here, and #2 Satan is locked up. In short, the people will just flat out obey all of these things. We finally will be keeping the Rest Years, Feast Days, and all of the things that were given that we were supposed to be keeping from the beginning (See Zechariah 14: 16-19).  This automatically grants full 490’s.  That is the secret, and that’s what He says!  Obey!  Why do we make it so hard?  The answer comes with God’s definition of Israel – “Stiff Necked”.

Now what about those missing 20 years from the above count?  Remember, it says in Revelations Satan must be released from the bottomless pit.  That’s right, the Scriptures say that he will be at it again.  He will go out to deceive the nations once more, and it says they will hear him, and come up to destroy the “Camp of the Saints”.  That time will consume those twenty years that remain.  Now we have totaled the thousand years up.       Times at the full.  When Satan, and the nations arrives at the Camp of the Saints to destroy it, God steps in.  That puts us into the next Sub Unit.

Sub Unit #14   The Final Judgment  

This is the last battle!  At this point the Lord intervenes, and we go into the final “White Throne Judgment”.  It’s called the “Second Resurrection”.  It’s also called Jubilee Time.  You remember, take it back, and re-give it to the rightful “inheritors”.

“Blessed and holy is he that has part in the first resurrection, on whom the second death hath no power”.  Amen, and Amen.  This time Satan goes into the Lake of Fire.  

Sub Unit #14,  Part Two

  ---  Enter: New heaven, and new earth!  This time, without Satan.  Praise God!

**  Now we still have the first four units to do, so back to the front. **

“Through the eyes of the Jubilee”

CHART # 1                                

Figure 2.8 

ABOUT THE CHART   (Pages 28-35) 

Shown above is Chart #1 of the 5 Charts in this Timeline.  This chart covers the time period from the beginning of Genesis through the Egyptian Bondage period.  This Chart will cover Sub Units #1 through #4.  Everything on this Chart precedes, in time, the above series of Charts #2 through #5. 

Remember, I started us out with Chart #2 (Figure 2.1) beginning with the Wilderness Period because that’s where the Jubilee is explained and given.

I will now back track to the beginning of the Bible story (Genesis) and bring us back up to Chart #2 again.  

Let me say here that both Chart #5, and this Chart are compressed in length, compared to Charts 2, 3, and 4, so that they may fit into this space.  If I didn’t do that, the total length would be many feet long. 

Also, notice the comment at the bottom of the Chart that this work follows the Bible time as it is given to us, but does not show real time as it happened.  This will be covered later under the subject of “Timeline 3” (TL3), Part 5. 

Why did God choose to give us this story in the language form that He did?

ANSWER:  If we tried to learn this subject in the actual time count that occurred with all of  the “in’s, and out’s” that happened, we would never learn it!  God knew what He was doing when He gave us His Word to learn with.  This will become very clear to everyone that continues with this work.  IT’S THE BIBLE JUBILEE WITH IT’S RULES THAT TELLS THE STORY!


This series is dealing with the Bible Timeline seen through the eyes of the Jubilee system. God’s Jubilee Calendar is in fact, the actual orbital relationships that exist between the Sun, Moon, and Earth.  As long as this relationship remains the same, God’s calendar stays the same for us here on earth.  If there is either a time, or a place where that relationship changes, then the Calendar, and time for that place will be different.

With that, let’s look at the first few verses in Genesis chapter 1. 

GENESIS Chapter #1:

Figure 2.9

ABOUT THE Figure :

This Figure shows the 7 days of the Creation (numbered).  It also shows two boxes in front of those 7 days.  They describe the first two verses of Genesis.  There are also arrows pointing to some of the days that will be explained.    

Verse #1, and #2.

I  would like you to stop for a minute and play a game with me, please.  We are going to look at those first two verses.  Now I want you to read them.

O.K. close your eyes and see a mental picture of verses number 1.  What do you see?  I see a Heaven, and an Earth.  Now if I asked you to draw that picture in a frame, and give it to me, then I guess I would be looking at a Heaven, and an Earth, wouldn’t I?

Now do that again.  This time use verse number 2.  What would you draw this time. I would draw a mental picture of that first verse picture all dark, and covered up with water.  There would be the Spirit of God moving over the face of those waters.  He saw nothing alive, no forms, just void.  That’s a pretty dismal picture, don’t you think?  Well, that’s what He saw, and then He did something about it. 

Doesn’t that sound just like the flood scene to you later on?  How many times did that kind of thing happen?  How far back in time does “eternity” go in that direction?  Comparing eternity with the evolutionary 10, or maybe 15 billion years makes those billions of evolutionary years look pretty small, doesn’t it?  It’s the Faith-Creation believer that has the big story to tell.

The Creation Period of Verse #3 and so on…

From verse number three on we are seeing a recreation, or re-ordering from a previous existing condition.  We are all pretty familiar with those seven days, and the events that are given to us in the Bible from there on.  Those 7 days tell of the resetting in order again of what followed that previous time with its destruction shown in verses 1, and 2.  Sometimes reusing, and sometime creating various additional things.

I would like to take some time here and show you some things about that week.

First, let me say that colors have numbers, and numbers have colors.  This is a colorful story. The number/color combination is used throughout the Scriptures.


Matching the Rainbow with the Creation story.  Notice the similarity.

Day Number Four SUN / MOON / STARS YELLOW  
Day Number Five FISH / FOWL ORANGE  
Day Number Six BEAST / MAN (Blood) RED
Day Number Seven REST WHITE
(white is all colors together)

Notice how the colors match?  Colors can be used to describe both events and numbers.

       In the first three days God made things that could be used.  In the second set of three days he made things that could be placed in those days.

Under the first three days are arrows.  Take the second set of three days and overlay them under the first set.


Sun / Moon / Stars - fit into - Light / Dark  (Day and Night)
Fish / Fowl - fit into - Water / Firmament / Water  
Beast / Man - fit into - Land / Grass / Trees

  He took it from a state of destruction (void, lifeless) and  then, He used everything that He had made.  He gave it life.  It was void no longer. Then He -- Rested

This information will be all usable in different subjects areas later. 

REMEMBER THIS: When applying time, and God’s Calendar to this story, whether before those seven days, or after that week happened, one must remember that the Calendar, in fact, is the exact actual orbital relationships between the Sun, Moon, and Earth as it is right now.  Change that relationship and you have a different Calendar, story, and timing.  It would also change the Jubilee! 

Whatever it was like, we are here in this time period. This "Particular Period" of the Earth’s order.  We can only deal with where we are, and this particular heaven, and earth system as it is now.  It has a very definable nature.  It is that nature that this Jubilee paper is addressing.  Please remember that a Jubilee period is simply a given unit of time where someone had an opportunity before God. Then, according to Jubilee rules, at the appointed time it is over, and the previous occupants are either re-enfranchised, or are removed.


The way that God chose to give us this story is part of His plan.  He said,  He used seven days on some kind of scale, to accomplish the setting in order of a place for us to learn about him.  In the book of St. John it tells us “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”.  We’ve learned to know the Scriptures as the Word of God, and it is through those Scriptures that this subject “The JUBILEE SYSTEM” is being presented to you.

Books can be written about the pre-flood period, and have been.  This paper will address this time period as seen through the eyes of God’s Jubilee system found in His Word.

Genesis 6 gives us a genealogy of the pre-flood period.  It contains ten men from Adam, to Noah.  It gives both their ages when they had a son, and also their total life span, individually.  If you add these up, you’ll find that the pre-flood period lasted for 1656 years. The last 100 years of that time covers the preparing of an Ark by Noah.

Noah was warned of God that a judgement of destruction, a flood, was coming upon the earth.  He believed it.  He built the Ark.  It was a big boat that measured 300 cubits long, by 50 cubits wide, and 30 cubits high.  It took a long time to build it.  The story says that up until that time it didn’t rain upon the Earth, but instead there was a dew that came up at night to water the earth.

Noah became a preacher, but the people didn’t believe him.  They just laugh at him.

We are told in 1 Peter 3:20 that God waited for Noah to complete the Ark before He sent the flood.  These are all pertinent facts in the story.  The flood of destruction finally came, and only Noah, and his family were saved.

During this period, we are told of various stages of development that they had.  There was a lot of people back then.  It says there were farmers and ranchers.  It says they could work with all kinds of metals.  It says that they had various kind of musical instruments.  They had different beliefs, and ideas. They had a calendar that contained days, months, and years.  They had a covenant.  In short, they had a lot more than you think they did.  They were evil, and the Earth was filled with violence!  So much so that God said He found the whole earth corrupted, and that He was going to destroy it.  He cursed them. That’s a total judgment on a whole society that was pretty advanced.  You can just image what they had by what it says they could do, plus it says that they lived at lot longer than we do.  Like ten times longer!

We have learned in this Jubilee study about the 490’s, that I call “given”, or “blessed “ time, and the 434’s, that I call “judged” time.  Here we have a new one.  This is “cursed” time.  How long is that, and how does a person get that one?

Let’s go back to the 70x7 rule of Jesus.  That makes 490, and we’ve seen those 490’s, and 434’s come in units of 4 before in this study.  It’s like four seasons that make a whole year or a complete unit on the next scale up.

Now look at the Timeline for this unit.  It says, these people used all of their time up in 1656 years.  There was no more time left.  Let’s divide that number by 4.  The answer is 414.  So what happened to 70x7?  Look at this.  414 is not 70x7.  414 is 69x6!  Each 414 is shorten by 76 years. Remember that number from the Kings period?  When you see a 414, look for the 76.  When you see a 76, look for the 414.  The missing Kings from Matthew's Chapter 1 account add up to 76 years.  Wow, somebody got cursed!  Remember good old King Ahab‘s family from the time of the Kings of Israel?

The Pre-Flood period was cursed, and therefore was counted out in “cursed time”. Satan stepped in and totally deceived them.  They were cursed by God.  The results of that tell us that they were removed from God.  From both His weekly Sabbaths, and His yearly Sabbaths.  Remember the 7’s, and the 70’s from other parts this story?  Well, we just found another one, 6x69!  “Cursed Time”, and that’s what they got.

It looks like the “old Jubilee” was at working back there too, but in a different form.  God talks about another destruction ahead of us in time.  He called it a destruction by fire, instead of water this next time.  No wonder Jesus had to come!

Anyway, it tells us that Noah, and his family came through, and that they repopulated the earth again.

This is a good place to introduce some commonly over looked facts that are given in the flood story.  The Flood itself has an interesting time count.

When they went into the Ark they used language like there was a thirty day month (5 months was 150 days), but when they came out, the timing shows Solar, and Lunar time difference. The flood was on the earth for the 600th year of Noah’s life, but they came out of the Ark in a year and ten days by Lunar month count).  It says the flood started on the 17th day of the 2nd month, then later it says that they came out of the Ark the next year on the 27th day of the 2nd month.  Remember, the Solar Year is 11 days (10.875) longer per year than a Lunar year?  Whatever they had before they went into the Ark, they had today’s type of Solar/Lunar relationship when they came out again.  Did you know that?


Please follow me on the Timeline.  The Patriarch Period covers the time from the Flood through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  Like the pre-flood period, this time also shows 10 generations.  This time it counts from Noah’s son Shem to Abraham, and covers a total of 290 years.  Genesis 11 shows that Shem’s first child, Arphaxad, was born in the second year after the flood.  Abraham was 100 years old when Isaac was born.  Isaac was 60 years old when Jacob was born, and Jacob was 130 years old when he stood before Pharoah in Egypt with his son Joseph. 

So counting Isaac, Jacob, and the generation of the 12 sons of Israel, 13 generation can be counted from the Flood to Jacobs entrance into Egypt. I’ll use this point later on in some additional work that I call "The 14 Generations". 

When Jacob, and Joseph stood before Pharoah it was in the 2nd year of the seven bad years of the famine.

This is the time period that covers from the Flood to the Egyptian Bondage (KJV).   I've displayed all of that on the Time Line for the Patriarchal Period.

This is a good time to show how some that are faithful to God, can be blessed right in the middle of others that are being cursed, or judged.

I refer now to Noah, the hearer of God’s warning.  He was a man of faith.  He believed God, and built the Ark.  It wasn’t easy because no one had ever seen it rain.  The scripture says that he was “perfect in his generations”.

Then there was Abraham, who was faithful to the call of God by leaving his Homeland, and journeying onward in "Faith" to a strange land.  Finally when he was 100 years old he received his “promised” son Isaac.

Now look at your Timeline.  You’re looking at a blessing being carried out.  Notice the following. There are 100 years from when Noah believed God, to the Flood.  Then 290 years to Abraham, and then 100 years to the birth of that promised son Isaac.  That’s 490 years.  Bingo, a blessing.  That one came right out of “cursed time” and crossed over to a blessing in Abraham, the man of faith.

There’s another point that I would like to bring out here.  Abraham was 75 years old (Gen. 15) when he received his covenant promise for the land, and the people.  From that point there was a total of 215 years before Jacob, and his seed started their Egyptian Bondage time period.  Locate that on the Time Line.  We’ll be using that in the next time period.


This period hold the secrets for many questions. Why did they have to go through this?  I thought they had a promise.  What kind of a way is that for God to treat His “promised” people?

As you have already learned, Joseph’s brothers only set him up to save everyone else, and not just them.  Sounds like Jesus.

Now, he was second in command over everything in the only place that had anything stored up, and he, Joseph, had control of it all.  Still sounds like Jesus.   

Because of Joseph’s faithfulness, his family enjoyed peace until he was    dead, and forgotten.  Then the Egyptians started to bear down.  Sounds like the New Testament!

This is the way we’ve always heard the story.  What’s missing?  How can a people with a covenant from God have this happen to them?  Simple, it’s called Judgment !

After what Joseph’s brothers did to him, shouldn’t we expect some kind of accountability?  Given the rules, isn’t that logical?

Let’s assemble some facts.  If Abraham hadn’t left Chaldea, would he ever have received God’s promises?  No!   The whole thing is built on the concept that “Faith without works, is dead”, and “by their fruits, ye shall know them”.

Joseph’s brothers, the receivers of the Abrahamic Promise, were jealous.  They were filled with envy.  They gave way to hatred.  It says so.  This moved  them to take action.  They sold him.  Then, they lied to their father.  Finally  Joseph and his brothers, met face to face.  It says, Joseph forgave them, but what happened after Joseph was gone?  Payday!  Does that sound familiar?

So what did happen back there in Canaan?  At the appointed time, they were thrown off the “Land”.  The “Land” refused to bear for them, or anyone else.  It was called a famine.  However, it still took a few years from the sale of Joseph, to the famine before something happened.  Joseph covered them for awhile, but not forever.  Bam, hard bondage!  That’s judgment.

We’ve learned that other people also had a portion granted to them by God for a time.  However, they too, are accountable!  The judgment fell on the whole surrounding world.  We are no better, or different!

During all this time there were two other countries that figured big in this accountability story.  Egypt, and the Amorites.

First let’s find the 434, if it’s there, and then we’ll see whose involved.  It says in Exodus 12 that Israel was in Egypt for 430 years to the day.  But, Israel didn’t go into Egypt at the beginning of the famine. They went into Egypt during the second year.  However, bear in mind that the entire area was cut of from food by God two years before Israel actually went into Egypt.  So, add those two years to the 430 years.  That makes 432.  Now let’s look at the other end of that time period.  Israel came out of Egypt at the Exodus timing, but it was still two more years before they were supposed to re-enter the “Promise Land”.  Remember the Exodus “intended entry” time?  Now add those two years to the count, and you will see the 434. That’s right, remember about 434’s?  

Israel was ripped from the clutches of Egypt.  Egypt, in turn, paid with the Ten Plagues, the last of which cost them their First Born.  The First Born that died was Egypt’s Birth Right holders.  Israel had paid their bill.  It was time to go home. 

Now let’s look at the “Amorites”.  These are the people that Abraham was told about.  God said, “After the Amorites time had come to the full”, then Israel would get their turn.  

Now the Amorites started their time with the famine, just like Israel did. Therefore we should see their time end right when Israel was told to go back in, but Israel didn’t go back in. That was at the time of the “intended entry” (second year in the wilderness).  They ran.  That means the Amorites where still on the land running up the time bill.  Israel wouldn’t go in, so Israel had to pay that time bill for them.

No wonder God was mad when Israel didn’t go in, after the 12 spies returned.

It all happened in a 434 with two accountabilities for two different countries spaced two years apart.  The Bible tells us that’s exactly what happened.

That then was the first (1st) 434.  See it on your chart.

Notice, that happened to two different Gentile Nations, didn’t it?  You see, they are accountable!

However, this one was a little different.  Israel was the one off the land for the whole time, and the other countries were on the land for the whole time.

The old Jubilee was clanking away back there too.  Did you know that? I think by now you can see how this whole story tracks on, and actually uses God’s Jubilee system, in one way or another all the way through.

We have come full circle back to the “Wilderness Period” where Israel received the Jubilee from God.  I hope you have a better feel for how the Scriptures are laid out. 

The final years in Egypt for the above time period were referred to as making Israel “serve with rigor”.  In God’s Law, He forbids man from making the servants serve with rigor.  Egypt did this, making life harder with every day right down to the tenth plague.

The Timeline effects of  “serving with rigor” are tremendous.  This Timeline Jubilee paper is designed to track the Bible story exactly the way it was given to us in it’s written form.  For anyone trying to learn this subject, it is necessary to approach this subject through this method (TL2).  It’s here in the standard Bible story that you can learn, and track time by using the Jubilee system with its rules. It’s here that you can learn how the “standard” Jubilee system works.  After you can count in this straight-forward manner, and have no trouble with it, then you are ready for the next level of application where things like “Double Timing” occurs, and that again will change everything. 

At the bottom of Charts 1, and 2 you will see a comment that this Time Line   follows the Bible story, but not real time.  When real time is applied to this subject, history and the Bible connect perfectly.


Now for a word about presenting different levels of Bible Timelines.  People, in this subject, are like people in any other subject, there are new comers with no exposure, beginners, learners on various levels, and advanced. 

Let me present three (3) basic levels of Timelines. 

Level 1 … I call it “TL1”.  It shows the whole story in words that the average Bible user hears every day.  It uses words like “faith”, “mercy”, “salvation”, “forgiveness”, “justification”, etc.  Most Church people understand and speak in this method.  All Bible stories can be told just by using a dozen or two such words.  When applied to a Timeline, these words explain everything with that simplified method.  People feel at home with this.  The Apostle  Paul called this “milk”!

In school, we expect the children to grow.  Eventually some will break away from simple things, and begin to reach out for more mature and advanced levels.

Because God’s children have been content to set complacently by, they have actually handed off truth to others to figure out.  In the world, the ones that usually take over, don't even know God.  The thinking mind will eventually take over, and that’s what happened. 

Level 2 …  I call it “TL2”.  That’s what this Timeline is.  It tells the Bible story exactly the way it was given to us in it current written form.  It does not always tell it in the time count method that really happened. 

If you expect to learn this subject, you have to begin learning the Jubilee System on this level until you are comfortable with it. 

Level 3 … I call it “TL3”.  This Timeline includes some more difficult concepts, like a thing I call “Double Timing".  When you see and learn this level you will understand a lot of things that are keeping Bible people, and Scientific historians apart.  These concepts are not presented in this paper.  This paper is written and shown in the “TL2” style.  

Example:  Bible chronology people cannot connect Moses’ time using regular Bible count with the real time of Rameses, Pharoah of Egypt.  TL3 can and does. 

The Lord needs people that want to grow up in Him.  Your children need it!  

Unless some of these things are learned by “Faith” believers, the day will come when the Bible will be placed back on the shelf, and not in the hands of man.  Don’t let that happen!  It can be proven.  God’s Jubilee System is perfect! 

TL3 is explained in PART 5.

The next thing for me to cover will be:

PART 3 “The Jubilee System with Resets ”, and then PART 4 “Seeable Slivers”.

These two programs will show you how to make a Bible Moon Calendar.   Then you can set the “Feast Days” yearly, all by yourself. God has called me to be a teacher to the Twelve Tribes of Israel.  All of the work that I have is for “The Twelve Tribes scattered abroad”. James 1:1    ***  The material that is included in this whole series is for those who are willing to walk in the covenant that was given to Israel.  They will appear on the scene again before the Tribulation starts (Revelations 7).

While everyone is welcome to see and hear this material, it generally holds no interest for those who are not of this calling. 

However, for all of those who have accepted, and are covered by the Blood of Jesus, I say: God Bless you, press on, spread the Gospel of our Lord as He gave commandment.  For unto those listed in the 7 Churches of Revelation, Jesus urges, “Hold fast that which thou hast”.  And again He says, “I will put upon you none other burden”, “but that which ye have already hold fast till I come”.  I say again, “To the Twelve Tribes scattered abroad, Greetings.

In Jesus Name, 



For more information, please contact:
Lalo Codona 
 Box 7, Cedarville, CA. 96104



Copyright 2003 - The Bible Jubilee - All Rights Reserved