SERIES “SEEABLE SLIVERS” How to find and use “Seeable Slivers” By using LUNAR CONJUNCTIONS.
The overall purpose of this paper is for you, the reader, to be able to make a moon calendar, and set the Feast Days of the Bible, and that you can do this accurately by using “Seeable” crescent slivers of the moon, derived from Lunar Conjunctions as a starting point. This kit will take you, in depth, through the hurdles step by step. You will need many building blocks consisting of terminology, definitions, and concepts that most people today have never used. Take your time, move at your own pace. In these “last days” if you are of the “called out”, if you are of Israel, then it is you that must appear before God three times in the year! (Exodus
23:14, and Deuteronomy 16:16) --
Let’s look at the Kit Contents.
SCRIPTURAL DAY is from sundown to sundown The CRESCENT SLIVER starts day #1 of the month (tiniest “seeable” moon phase) The LUNAR CONJUNCTION is not day #1 of the month! The LUNAR CONJUNCTION is: When
the Sun, Moon, and Earth all line up. This happens every month. Normally, this is called the “New Moon” in Almanac information, but actually it’s a dark moon, as there is nothing to see. To see something, we must wait for the crescent sliver to show itself. This paper shows HOW, and WHEN CONJUNCTION TIMES (dark moons) are given in calendars, almanacs, newspapers, or various other sources. These sources usually give us the conjunction moment in the 24 hour language that runs from midnight to midnight. They will list the date, hour, and the week day of the conjunction. The age we live in now gives us some real accuracy (conjunction formulas) for a few thousand years in either direction. THANK GOD FOR THAT! FIRST and LAST SLIVERS Again: A lunar conjunction (shown below) is when the Earth, Moon, and Sun all line up in a straight line as they are traveling in their various orbits. If they were perfectly lined up, it would be an eclipse. Usually, they’re offset just a little bit. This exact moment is an excellent reference point. Now the moon moves in its orbit around the Earth at about ½ degree per hour. That’s equal 12 degrees per day (The moon’s diameter is also about ½ degree). During this conjunction we are on the dark side of the moon and there is nothing to see. It takes at least 20 hours (10 degrees) after the conjunction before the moon has traveled far enough for us to begin to see the crescent sliver. This paper is written, using that 20 hour rule. It will be visible within an hour after sundown. From that point we have something to see, and count. We then can say “ONE” and begin the count through the month. Each hour after this point, the moon gets higher, and larger. Remember, each day runs from sundown to sundown. Bible events, like Feast Days, depend on this moon count for their setting. Now the moon continues this daily movement until it has completed its orbit around the Earth (approx. 29.53 days). Near the end of the month, the moon once again is entering that 20 hour (ten degree) distance before it reaches the next conjunction. That means at this point we are back to another crescent sliver. Only, this time it will be seen just before sunrise. It will still take at least another 20 hours to reach the next conjunction. Now let’s put that all together. The lined conjunction shadow area shows 20 hours (10 degrees) each way from the conjunction. In that area no moon phase can be seen. That makes 40 hours (20 degrees) all together. The moon is moving through these hours of darkness at only 12 degrees per day. (See 60 & 84 hrs. of darkness on page 10). LUNAR CONJUNCTION TABLES page #3 NEW MOON CONJUNCTION DATE
· CONJUNCTION vs. 24 Hour Clock This page demonstrates the placing of the conjunction moment in the correct grid location over its time spot on the 24 hour clock. I will show this moment as a large black dot. Below
that is a graph that I will use to enter that dot setting so that we can
relate it to each counting systems particular length.
In the next few pages I will take this all apart, and then put it
all back together. This is
the tool that will help us utilize the before mentioned Lunar cycle with
its conjunction, showing the different kinds of time counts that we
are interested in. These
counts include both darkness, seeable slivers, and daily phases
that I will call “LUMS”. Then,
I”ll connect them in various types of counts that are pertinent.
Remember, the goal is to be able to make an annual “Lunar”
calendar, and place the Bible Feast Days accurately.
The following 4 illustrations marked A through D, show four different kinds of time counts identified, plus the “24 hour clock” for placing the conjunction time dot. The LUNAR MONTH line contains the final result of what we are looking for. It counts the days in one single LUNATION (one revolutions of the moon around the earth, about 29.53 days). However, it counts that time only in whole days. It does this by using either 29, or 30 day units of time to keep pace with the rotation speed of 29.53 days. Also shown is the 24 hour clock where Sundown is 18:00, Midnight 24;00, Sunrise 06:00, and Noon 12:00. The diagram here focuses on days 27 to 30 (end of the month), and also day #1 (start of the next month). Of course, all of these days are recognizable by the moon phases displayed throughout each month. (30 day month shown) This is today’s standard calendar count that you are used to. It runs from midnight to midnight, and is divided into one hour units by the 24 hour clock (0-24). It measures each day in the Solar year. It gives us both month dates (random divisions of the Roman adopted time count), and week days. It is offset from the Lunar month day (above) by 6 hours. The Julian day runs from 12:00 noon to 12:00 noon. It is offset from the Roman day by 12 hours. It assigns a number to each day in history starting from 4712 B.C. on January 1 at 12:00 noon. For pin pointing, each day is carried to 6 decimal places. That focuses down to less than one second. (example 1732096.000001) Here, we will use only the whole numbers. This one will become very handy to us later on. KINDS OF TIMES (Part B) The SEEABLE SLIVERS GRID line w/24 Hour Conjunction Clock: The
24 hour clock is laid out to provide an accurate setting for the
conjunction moment that’s given in newspapers, almanacs, calendars, etc. The clock matches the Roman calendar time of midnight to
midnight. Above the 24 hour
grid is a long bar of the same size.
This space is where I will enter our “model” conjunction
moment. I will do this with a large black
dot. Above that line you
can see both day time (white), and night time (blue). Conjuction information: DATE:
3/22 DAY:
Wed. ----------------------------------
U.T. (Universal time) THIS TRANSLATES TO MEAN: The lunar conjunction moment (DARK MOON) will occur on March 22nd, Wednesday, at 16:10 (24 hour clock), or 4:10 P.M. in (U.T.) Greenwich, England. ALWAYS NOTICE WHERE THE TIME IS BEING GIVEN FROM. However, I don’t want Greenwich, England time, I want Jerusalem time for this exercise. That is two time zones East of England, so we have to add two hours to the above information. That will make the conjunction in Jerusalem happen at 18:10. Now we’ve got something! Our information (in Jerusalem) will be 3/22, on Wednesday, at 18:10. I will also make it 1732096 "Julian Day" time. The “GRID” around it, (to the left) shows what day the last sliver of the “old month” can be seen, and (to the right) it shows the time that the first crescent sliver of the “new month” will appear. This time in between is the dark time of the Lunar month when you will see nothing! This Grid also shows how many hours exist between the conjunction moment and the sliver in either direction. Of course, this will tell us just how high, or low that sliver will be (the more hours the bigger the sliver). Those two slivers can be either 60, or 84 hours apart. Never closer than 60 hours, and never farther than 84 hours. The page called “Hours of Darkness” will layout the three types that can happen. A = 60 hrs., B = 84+ hrs., and C = -84 hrs. Look that all over! Now then, let’s put all of the above parts back together again.
OVERLAY This page contains a diagram with a lot of detail. It overlays all of the information from the two previous pages (KINDS OF TIME). This tool is what we are looking for. It can describe, and place “slivers” anywhere in time. Find the “24 Hr. Conjunction Time Period”. Next, find the “black dot” located at 18:10 on the timeline. You will notice that the numbers 1-24 are not in the boxes. This is because the boxes are too small now to do that. However, these boxes carry the same number values as above. Look at the placement of the conjunction time period on the chart. Notice that it lines up with the Roman calendar (midnight to midnight) date below. Our date of Wed., March 22nd appears in that box. Above that line you will see “MOON MONTH DATE”. These days run from sunset to sunset (18:00 TO 18:00), and therefore starts 6 hours before midnight (24:00). Also, below the Roman line we find the “JULIAN DAY” count. Obviously, these three systems don’t line up. They each run in their own timing (sundown to sundown, midnight to midnight, and noon to noon). These differences must all be addressed, and this chart does that. I have also assigned a number to each of these lines for this exercise. Following our “black dot” (18:10) down on the chart, we can see that the dot is right at the start of the 29th day of the moon month, also it falls on the 22nd day of March (Wednesday), and additionally it carries the Julian Day number of 1732096. There, we’ve done it! We now have a “tool” that we can correctly identify any sliver, whether first or last, in any year, at any time in history, using whatever numbering system that someone may be using. This will be an immense help. TYPES
OF MONTHS stressing different counts
All 84- hour months, and some 60 hour months have 30 days in them.
Some 60 hour months have 29 days in them.
Explanation for Charts above. (SEEABLE SLIVERS Types of Months) The three charts shown on page 8 show the four different types of conditions set up by the “hours of darkness” depending on which location the conjunction moment is in (little black dot). Those four conditions are as shown:
The Children of Israel did not have conjunction information out in the wilderness, but they did have these four “seeable” conditions. I am presenting them here so you may know them. We will use them more when dealing with sightings without conjunction information as Israel did. Page #9 shows the same thing, but does it in three charts only, because it does not show the length of the months (29, or 30 days). Instead it emphasies Sunrises, and Sunsets. On this chart it is easier to see the actual number of hours between the last seeable sliver of the previous month, and the first seeable sliver of the new month. This chart is presented as showing the Sunrise, and Sunset times as 0:600, and 18:00. This allows it to be used for both spring, and fall timings, but not for either of the Soltice periods. The hours for Sunrise, and Sunsets, either at, or near the Soltice periods are different. TYPES OF MONTHS - The location of the conjunction moment (black dot) in the 24 hour day sets up four different kinds of months. The first two rows below show two consecutive conjunctions each. We are trying to detect 29, and 30 day months. Our key is the true Lunar orbital speed of 29.53 days. Remember, we are trying to use either 29, or 30 day units to keep in step with that true speed! Here’s some easy rules to help decide that for us.
EXERCISE INSTRUCTIONS – Now it’s time to turn to the ”Exercise Section” and fill in “Exercise Examples” A and B. The conjunctions are posted for 3 months. The second month shows more details. Fill it all in so you can say when the Sliver will be seen, when Passover Week is, also when Wave Offering Day, and Pentecost are (Leviticus 23). You have an audience with the King! MORE INSTRUCTIONS Now it’s time to fill out the “Moon Calendar”. Again, the conjunctions are entered for you. Convert them to Jerusalem time (add 2 hours). If you write your calendar for a different time zone – enter the “AREA”. Stay within the 24 hour day, or change to the next day when needed. (see “Hours of Darkness” page) Enter 60, or 84 hours. Fill out each column. Make sure not to have the same date at both the bottom of one column, and the top of the next. Then watch the 29, and 30 day months appear! Underline the 30 day months at the bottom of the columns where they appear. Find the Feast dates, and enter them at the top of the page in their proper box. Notice, the months 8 through 12 are not numbered. This is so this page can accommodate both the regular 12 month year, and also the reset year (with 13 moons). If it’s a 12 month year, you can show the 1st month of the next year instead. If it’s a Reset year, fill all the columns out as usual, but enter (RESET) above the column showing that time delay, then number as usual. Different people add that extra moon at different places, and this will allow for that. The “”RESET YEAR” is a subject all by itself. CHECK YOUR WORK, SIGN YOUR NAME, AND DATE IT. Now,
stand back, jump up and down, and shout
PRAISE THE LORD. If you have done all of this, you’re at least 3000 years ahead of most people. This should have been taught to everyone by the 7th Grade, don’t you agree? The section called “COPY SECTION” has extra copy blanks for duplicating. If you want, you may send a copy of your calendar exercise to me. - I HOPE YOU WILL FIND THIS HELPFUL - In JESUS NAME, Lalo
Codona · WILDERNESS COUNTING SYSTEM The early Israelites in the wilderness that received God’s calendar did not have a printed page of conjunctions as we do. What did they have? In Exodus the 12th chapter, God said to Moses and Aaron, “This month shall be unto be unto you the beginning of months, it shall be the first month of the year unto you”. Then in the third verse He said for them to wait for 10 days, and then take a lamb. Next, set it aside until the 14th day. You can’t count to “ten”, or “fourteen” unless you know where “one” is. The seeable sliver was the first thing that they had to have so they could start to count up to any number. You cannot see a conjunction! Once they saw something, they had something to count. Now, they could identify the 10th day, the 14th day, the 15th, and so on. We are actually learning it backwards to find out what they had. They had a SLIVER! The moon was the only equipment that they had out there. That’s really all you need. However, we have to learn how to use it. There will come a time soon that the “believers” will not have what we have today, but will have to re-use the old wilderness sighting method. Following are portions of that system:
So then the discernable types recognizable through the month are: 1. 29 day month w/60 hours of darkness, and containing 27 Lums. 2. 30 day month w/60 hours of darkness, and containing 28 Lums. 3. 30 day month w/84+ hours of darkness, and containing 27 Lums. This is actually a 29 day month with an extra “darkness day” at the end, making it 30 days between slivers. 4. 30 day month w/-84 hours of darkness, and containing 27 Lums. While having 30 days, it squashes the Lums down to 27. The above system only deals with one month at a time. There are also larger counts i.e. Passover to Passover, etc. Of course, they also had rising, and setting times, plus angles. All of these come with time and skill. People today are lazy with the Roman “Sun” calendar. God’s secrets are hidden in His Sabbaths, Months, Feast days, Years, 7 Year cycles, Jubilees, and so forth. They are the way He deals with all of us, whether we know it, or not. Let’s get back to God! JERUSALEM as the CENTER In the first month during the Passover/Unleaven Bread week, the High Priest entered before God with a sheath of barley on the Wave Offering day. The moon timing was precise, the week day was exact, and the barley (sun controlled indicator crop) was present. The correct joining of these three events together gave Israel a perfect pin point in time. It marked day #1 in the 50 day count to the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost). When this presentation (offering) was completed, God’s blessing was given for the entire year, collectively, to all crops. It was an annual blessing that would be valid until the last day of the twelfth month. After that, the whole chain of events had to be carried out again. Additionally, no one was permitted to either harvest, or use any of the new crops until the “Wave Offering” was completed. NO ONE! Deuteronomy 16 says the moment for the sickle to commence is exactly 7 weeks before the “Feast of Weeks”. That’s precise! It gives total focus to the Wave Offering Day, and makes Jerusalem GROUND “0”. Praise God! When the Kingdom of God appears on this Earth, once again Jerusalem will be recognized as Ground “0”. All events will stem from this exact focal point marking valid beginnings. I endeavor to teach, and set forward such a system through the Holy Scriptures. IN JESUS NAME. * Scriptures used: Leviticus 23, and Deuteronomy 16. For additional help, and /or materials in the Jubilee Calendar subject covered by the author, please contact: Codona
Christian School The above work, and other additional materials covered by the author pertaining to the Jubilee Calendar subject may be freely shared, or exchanged by the brethren. It is a gift from God. However,
this work may not be dispersed, altered, or sold for any price,
by anyone, without the express written permission and consent of the
author. LALO CODONA - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CCS 12/95 Fill in all blanks in both Exercises "A" and "B": (click to enlarge and print) Exercise Section: This page is offered as a guide for the previous Exercises "A" and "B" On the next page we will do a whole Calendar year. It's the same year as A and B. Try to complete this Calendar page. Some is already furnished. Fill in all blanks. We'll use this page later in our work. Take your time. See next sample for assistance. This calendar is for 1999/2000. It's here for a sample to look at and compare. Notice, Pentecost is left open so you can set that Feast based on whatever Sabbath you keep. Also notice at the bottom of this chart, conjunction controlled slivers don't allow for evenly spaced 29 and 30 day months. They come in natures own order. Now I have furnished a blank for you. Try doing it for the year 2000/2001. If you have done all of the above, then you can do this too, and any other year.
My, my! Now, someone can ask you when the next Feast Dates will be? P.T.L. A note to the reader with and overview about your interest in this whole subject. Perhaps now you can see why I address all of this to the “Twelve Tribes scattered abroad” James 1:1. You see, there’s a difference in accepting the Lord and becoming a today’s type Christian from the Gentile Churches, as opposed to those who can, or will accept the call to walk according to the covenant that was given to Israel. Both have their place before the Lord, but the ones that will take the call to walk like the Sons of Israel, under that covenant, have a call and a place to pursue before the Father, that requires becoming involved with all of the things that are in this subject. If your willing to put in the kind of time that is required for this, and you feel a burden from the Lord to continue on, then God bless you, and do this: Do some really heavy committed reading of God’s Word that includes both the “Old” as well as the “New”. So you may have an understanding of what’s going on in this whole subject. We are told that “All scripture is given by the inspiration of God”. You can’t possibly prove who the Messiah is, without the Old Testament, and you can’t possibly understand those Prophesies without the New Testament. Everything is not found in the Epistles written by Paul. There’s more! To all of those that are among the Christian Churches of today, I say, God Bless you. Preach the Word with all diligence, for he that winneth souls is wise. Walk circumspectly before our Lord in all that you do. Now to those that are still with me, reread these four “PARTS”. List your questions so that you may get solid with all of this. The next “PARTS” are going to get pretty heavy. For instance, what year did the Jordan Crossing really happen? How can you prove it? Why do we need to know that? Then there’s another whole string of things like, why did 36 men die in the battle of “Hai”, or “Ai”? What is a judgment? How do you measure it? What is dedication, and redemption? There’s going to have to be a “real” set of people that will be willing to gain the understanding that will be needed for the times ahead. The Lord told me that His Jubilee is perfect. It is! It can be proven concretely, and it in turn will prove the Word concretely!
Lalo Codona |
Copyright 2003 - The Bible Jubilee - All Rights