Supportive material for the DEKELEE Series, the “UPPER ROOM”, and MORE.
SPECIAL NUMBERS, Prime Numbers, etc.
All numbers are special. All numbers have meanings, and all numbers are “place holders”. This includes the # 0.
In my Bible Jubilee Series Part 2 (Timeline) I show where colors have numbers, and numbers have colors. This applies to
everything in the Scriptures. I’ll show more about that in the:
and “THE RAINBOW” (God’s Covenant)
Dekelee 3 will bring the Dekelee’s tool’s down to our times
(everybody’s, and anybody’s) so everyone can apply at least four different 7 year cycles to their own lives and all that any of those cycles
could possibly mean.
As a preface to Dekelee 3, I will introduce an additional connecting unit called “Special Numbers”. “Special Numbers”
will apply special meanings to commonly used numbers that include the following:
Prime Numbers:
All Prime Numbers can be easily identified because they can only be evenly divided by themselves and the Number One. For instance the number 19 (as
in the 19 year Solar/Lunar cycle). It can be said that it’s
complete unto themselves. No other type of division can be used on it.
So is just plain old prime number 29. It stands alone. It’s complete unto itself. Join those two together and you have 1929. (Depression – complete unto itself. |
Then what year of what 7 year cycle does that match.
The Dekelee will show a 7
year cycle match to any given “Roman” year in 4 different
7 year cycle counting systems.
As you can see, this could be endless, showing as place, reason, and time for
and everybody that ever lived. (like a Fingerprint again).
There are No two alike.
Let’s look at another one. #62. In the 70 Weeks of Daniel, (Daniel 9) the 62 Weeks also stands for 434 Years.
The number 6 alone can stand for Preparation, as in the day before the Sabbath. Also, it stands for the day during the Creation Week story where blood animals and man came into being.
So you see, all numbers are place holders.
All numbers are valid! Join them together in different combination and apply that combination
to the Timeline and see what you get.
Now, let me take you back to the DEKELEE Part 3 where I’m explaining about 1844 A.D.
and the Seventh Day Adventists changing to Saturday.
The #18, among other things defines a Jubilee of time. (18 Resets make a Jubilee). It
also marks a century. Eighteenth Century.
Forty (#40) Time to come out of the Wilderness. Also, it’s a complete Judgment count.
As for the two 4’s in “1844”, the #4 during the Creation Week represents “Time” (Creation of Sun, Moon, and Stars).
For the Adventist the two 4’s (Time Count) show up as:
1 = Jubilee Year and,
2 = 7th Year of The Original Exodus Jubilee system.
My what a Blessing! They (Adventist) came out from among them to be a separate people. GOD BLESSED THAT MOVE.
Their conflict, at the time, was only over Saturday and Sunday.
There are many conflicts to make a stand about. Many for all of us
For more
information, please contact:
Lalo Codona
Box 7, Cedarville, CA. 96104