Are you going up, then down, or down then up, or up and out through a Black Hole, or no where, where are you
going? Who's going to be there? Who is not going to be there? How many light years away is this someplace? Or is it even measured in Light Years
Which way is up?
Does God's Bible Jubilee |
Lets have a look
The Bible has a lot to say about this subject, in fact, everything we know about this subject
comes out of the Bible, that oldest of Books contains everything we
need, to understand "From WHERE to WHERE"
I'll talk you through it using the TL2 Timeline from my Bible Jubilee Series
Now I will break up Chart 5 into Two Parts
The First Part contains the Ministry of Jesus thru “Right now”,
and the Second Part contains the Second half of the 70th Week of Daniel
thru the end of Sub Unit 14.
Once again, I’ve listed what everyone knows has taken place from the Cross up until now.
Then finally, I’ve list what everyone knows hasn’t happened yet. Example:
(not necessarily in order)
Second Coming Events
1st Resurrection
Marriage Supper of the Lamb
Millennial (1,000 yr. Kingdom Reign)
Satan’s release
Battle of Armageddon
2nd Resurrection
White Throne Judgment
Heaven & Hell
New Heaven and the New Earth. - - -
These are all listed in the Bible story, but haven’t taken place yet!
Total listed time for these “yet to happen” Events is: - - - Over 1,000 years”
Passages and Scripture to support the above list:: Matt. 24, 1st Thes. 4:16, 17,
1st Cor. 15:52 etc., Zechariah 14,
The entire Book of Revelations, not to mention the Prophets of old, etc.
Now, let’s go back to our Title: “From Where to Where” and I’ll focus in on Zechariah 14, during the millennial reign, where it
says every nation that doesn’t go up, or send up representatives, to Jerusalem during the “Feast of Tabernacles” will get no rain.
That’s pretty bad! THAT’S VERY BAD!!
I’ve endeavored through this entire WEB page to teach, and show how to set up the correct timing for observing the
God Given Feast Day schedules listed in the Bible. As in the Scripture that says, “Three times in the Year shall all your males appear
before me”. Those Feast days are : Passover (in the Springtime), Pentecost (during Wheat Harvest), and the Feast of Tabernacles (in the
They are kept in that order yearly. You can’t keep Tabernacles before Passover, and Pentecost. These are called
“Set Feasts”. That means someone has to set them, and to set them requires that someone would be actually standing on this Earth, looking up
at this Sun, and this Moon and counting out the days that it says are to be used to perform this job. You can’t do it out there in space.
You can only do it here on the Earth! And, of course, this is all done using Jerusalem timing as “0” ground. Jerusalem, where the Lord has
chosen to put his Name there! That goes for the whole Earth, and everyone on it!
Now, are you going up in the clouds and remain there with the Lord forever? Or are you going to be out in space
somewhere forever, or some other planet somewhere forever? Where are you going to be?
I think, your going to want to be with Jesus for His Thousand Year reign right here on Earth, that will be centered in
Jerusalem with His Bride, Sons, Daughters, and Servants, etc.
That’s what the Father promised Him. God blessed forever, Amen! A long time ago!!! And that’s exactly what He is
going to get!
Lalo Codona
For more
information, please contact:
Lalo Codona
Box 7, Cedarville, CA. 96104